Installation and general settings of Blogs module

Viindoo Blogs gives you great tools to build and manage blog webpages professionally. You can mix different design blocks and features to create your blogs following your brand identity.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Blogs module Installation

You need to build your company’s website before adding the blog webpage.

Now let’s install the Blog module by accessing Viindoo Apps from the user main view. Remove the default Apps filter and search the keyword Blog in the search bar.

Apps in Viindoo search Blogs module in Viindoo

Click on the Activate button. After completing the installation, the system will automatically create a Blog page in addition to the website view.

Viindoo Logo

General settings

Go back to the user main view and select the Website app.

website in Viindoo

Blogs Tag Categories settings

When editing a Blog post, remember to use tags so that you can search it easily using keywords. All the tags are divided into tag categories. Navigate to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Tag Categories to manage the categories.

tag categories in Viindoo

Click on the New button to make a new Tag Category, fill in the name then press the Save manually icon to save it.

tag categories in Viindoo tag categories in Viindoo

Blogs Tags settings

Next, to create tags, navigate to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Tags.

create tags in Viindoo

Click on the New button and fill in the following information:

create tags in Viindoo create tags in Viindoo
  • Name: Name of the tag.

  • Category: Category of the tag.

  • Used in: All the blog posts using the tag are automatically listed here.

Click on the Save manually icon to finish.

Blogs tags are viewed on the website.

blog tags on the website in Viindoo

Blogs Group settings

To create a Blogs group, navigate to Website ‣ Configuration ‣ Blogs and click New.

Blog group in Viindoo

Fill in the following information:

Blog group in Viindoo
  • Blog Name: Name of the Blog group.

  • Blog Subtitle: Subtitle of blog group.

  • Website: The website uses this blog group.

  • Table of Content section: This section assists you in configuring headings and other features for the table of contents that will be displayed on the website.

Blog groups are viewed on the website.

Blog group on the website in Viindoo

See also

Related article

Optional module