Offsetting Debts

The company may have transactions with offsetting debts of a partner both customer and vendor. Viindoo Accounting will help you to manage this transaction automatically.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Configure the automatic transfer models

To create a new transfer model to configure the rules of offsetting, navigate to the Accounting > Accounting > Automatic Transfer Models, press New:

Automatic transfer models - Viindoo Accounting

Source accounts

Press Add a line to add the source accounts such as Trade payables account (331):

Source account - Viindoo Accounting

Transfer accounts

Press Add a line to add the destination accounts:

Transfer account - Viindoo Accounting
  • Destination accounts: Choose the destination accounts of the allocated journal entries, such as Trade receivables 131.

  • Percentage: Input the percentage of allocating from source accounts to the destination account. Input 100% if you want to tranfer all amount of source accounts to the destination account.

  • Analytic Account Filter: In case you choose the analytic accounts as a filter here, the system will only count the amount from the journal items of the source account with this analytic account.

  • Partner Filter: Choose the partner as a filter here, the system will only count the amount from the journal items of the source account of this partner.


  • If you choose multiple partners here, the system will devide the journal items ressponding with each partner.

After configuring all the above information, press Active.

Offsetting debts

Offsetting debts journal entries

With the offsetting debts transaction, you already had the customer invoice and vendor bill of one partner:

Customer invoices - Viindoo Accounting Vendor bills - Viindoo Accounting

Based on the setting period on the Frequency field, the system will automatically generate the transfer journal entries.

Generated journal entries - Viindoo Accounting Details of generated journal entries - Viindoo Accounting

Those transferred journal entries will be posted automatically every day.

Reconcile debts

Now, the accounting need to reconcile the debit/credit of the accounts. Navigate to Accounting > Accounting > Journal Items, use the filter to search the journal items of this specific partner and the destination account to reconcile:

Reconcile destination account - Viindoo Accounting

Choose those journal items, press Action > Reconcile:

Reconciles debts - Viindoo Accounting Validate reconciles debts - Viindoo Accounting

Do it again with the source account:

Reconcile source account - Viindoo Accounting

Check the partner’s balance

Navigate to Accounting > Reporting > Partner Ledger to see the balance:

Partner Ledger - Viindoo Accounting