Get Organized and Planning for customer care activities

The feature Schedule Activity in CRM app helps to track the information exchange with customers and make a plan for customer care activities.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Activity Types configuration

Go to CRM app and navigate to Configuration ‣ Activity Types. Hit the button New.

Activity Types menu crm Viindoo

Enter the information of Activity Types. The data you record gets automatically saved. You can switch to manual saving by clicking on the Save Manually icon.

Config activity type crm Viindoo

Schedule customer care activities in Lead/Opportunity

Go to CRM app, select the desired Lead/Opportunity, hit Activities.

Schedule Activity crm Viindoo

Enter all the information and hit Schedule for create a new Schedule Activity.

Activity scheduling details crm Viindoo

You can also schedule customer care activities on Lead/Opportunity Kanban view by hitting Overdue icon. The color of Overdue icon will show you schedule activity status:

  • Green: activity in the future.

  • Yellow: activity in current day.

  • Red: out of date.

Schedule an activity crm viindoo


When multiple activity types are associated with a lead, the system displays an icon representing the most urgent activity. This ensures that users are reminded of the next important action they need to take.

After the activity is created, you can see the notification. Locate to the Clock icon, which is found on the main menu on the right-hand side. Hit the icon to show the list of undone activities.

View undone activities assignments on viindoo crm