Contribution Register and Contribution Register Categories


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Create a new Contribution Register Category

To create a new Contribution Register Category, you navigate to Payroll Configuration > Contribution Register Category:

Create a new Contribution Register Category in Viindoo

Click on the New button to create a new one.

Information of Contribution Register Category in Viindoo
  • Name: Enter the category name.

  • Color Index: Set color options for the group.

  • Partner Required: Enable if you want to declare a partner for the contributions that belong to this category. Enter the contact of partner here, this contact will be attached to the salary entries, recording the amounts to be paid.

After declaring, you choose to save to complete the creation of the contribution recording group.

Create a new Contribution Register

To create a new Contribution Register, you navigate to Payroll > Configuration > Contribution Register:

Create a new Contribution Register in Viindoo

Click on the New button to create a new Contribution Register.

Information of Contribution Registers in Viindoo
  • Name: Enter the name of the contribution register.

  • Category: Select its category in the list.

  • Partner: Declare the contact of partner that participates in the salary payment of the employee salary rules. For instance, the insurance agencies, the tax authorities, the meal ordering partners, the telecom partners, etc.

  • Department Register Partner: When setting up partners for each department. In the payroll voucher, the system will automatically split the accounting occurrence by department.

  • Description: Enter a description for the contribution.

After the declaration is complete, the system will automatically save or you can choose to manually save to create a contribution record.

Use the Contribution Register

The contribution registers on the Salary rules with the purpose of declaring the third parties involved in the payment of an employee salary.

Contribution Register

The system records contributions on the payroll.

The use of contribution registers in the salary entries The use of contribution registers in the salary entries