Generate Lead/Opportunity from Social Marketing

Social Marketing Lead help you create and manage all potential leads/opportunities from social conversion. Messages from social pages will be synchronized into one system.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:


To generate lead/opportunity from Social Marketing, make sure that the integration social marketing with social media page was done, refer to Integration Social Marketing with social media page

Receiving The Customer’s Needs

When a customer or partner sends a message to your social page, this message will be synchronized with your instance and combined in the Social Conversation channel, you can check through the Discuss application interface.

The customer sends a message to your social page.

Customer Message

Your social page receices message.

Social Page Message

Social page’s message is synchronized with your instance.

Discuss Interface

Creating The Lead/Opportunities

At the chat window, after discussing with the customer through this channel, if the customer seems to be a potential customer, the system supports you to create a new lead/opportunity by clicking ‘/’ and selecting social_lead.

Create Socical Lead

Add title for the opportunity.

Add Title Socical Lead

Navigate to CRM application and check the list of leads/opportunities, you will see a new lead/opportunity created with the same title as the image above.

Check Socical Lead