Generate Lead/Opportunity from emails

The Generate Lead/Opportunity from Email feature in Viindoo system helps the Sales Teams proactively reach out to potential customers at the earliest possible, increasing the competitive advantage compared with other competitors, reducing data processing time, and is a useful tool in sales.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Configuration for generating Leads from email

Configure Incoming Email Servers

You access to Settings ‣ General Settings, go to Discuss, and enable Custom Email Servers feature.

Configure external email servers on crm software - viindoo


  • You need to configure Incoming Email Servers in order to receive incoming emails from outside of your company domain.

Configure external email servers on crm software - viindoo

In the Actions to perform on Incomming Mails tab, you choose Lead/Opportunity field. This will help you create a Lead/Opportunity whenever an email is sent to your system.

Configure Leads/Opportunities generation from incoming Emails of Sales Teams on the CRM app

Configure the email address for the sales team as follow:

  1. Access app CRM ‣ Configuration ‣ Sales Teams, click New to create a new sales team or click on an existing team to edit the information.

Configure leads generation from emails of Sales Teams on CRM software - Viindoo
  1. Insert Email data on the Sales Teams configuration.

  • Email Alias: email of your Sales Team (e.g., a Lead/Opportunity is created by default when a customer sends an email to this address.

  • Accepts Emails From: a lead is created when an email from these senders is received at the email address set up in Email Alias.
Configure leads generation from emails for Sales Team on CRM software - Viindoo

When any email is sent to an email alias that configured on Sales Teams (e.g., the CRM App automatically generates a Leads/Opportunities and assigns it in the pipeline of the pre-configured Sales Team/Channel.

Leads/Opportunities generated from emails on CRM software - Viindoo 1 Leads/Opportunities generated from emails on CRM software - Viindoo 2 assigns lead to sale team


If your customers have a contact in the software, the system will identify it and display the customer’s name.