Chart of Accounts

Viindoo supports both charts of accounts regulated in Circular 133/2016/TT-BTC and Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC so that you can choose.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Select Chart of Accounts

To select an accounting system. Navigate to Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, move to Fiscal Localization section, and choose an accounting system from an available list.

Fiscal localization - Viindoo ERP accounting software


You will not be able to change the chart of accounts for a company if there are already accounting entries existing in the company.

Configure Account

By default, when you select a Chart of Accounts, Viindoo will install a few main accounts base on fiscal localization. Access Accounting ‣ Configuration ‣ Chart of Accounts:

Navigating to Chart of Account - Viindoo accounting software

You can use the Group by function to group the account by Account types/Account groups, etc. depending on your purpose of use. More details about group by or filter function at Filter, Groups and Search use cases.

Account - Viindoo accounting software

Each account has its own setup, you can access it by clicking on the View button at the end of each line.

Create account - Viindoo accounting software

In which:

  • Code: An account number according to the regulation of the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance.

  • Account name: An account name corresponds to the code.

  • Type: Choose a suitable type to use for information purposes to generate financial reports, set the rules to close the fiscal year, and generate opening entries.

    Account type - Viindoo accouting software
  • Default Taxes: The chosen tax will automatically show up whenever this account is used.

  • Tag: Select the most suitable tags for this account so that you can filter it more easily on reports such as Cash Flow Statement. To configure a tags, see on Tax reports using tax grids.

  • Allowed Journal: Define in which journals this account can be used. If empty, can be used in all journals.

  • Account Currency: Forces all journal items in this account to have a speccific currency (e.g., bank journal). If no currency unit is specified, transactions can use any currency.

  • Deprecated: If checked, the account will not be used in the system.

  • Has balance at both debit and credit?: If this account is selected, it will display both Debit and Credit balances on certain reports.

  • Group: Account prefixes can determine account groups.

You can also create new accounts if needed by clicking on +New at the Chart of account home screen and then filling in the mentioned information.

Create account