Salary Structures and Salary Structure Type

A salary structure is a set of salary rules used to help the company or its board of directors to determine the salary that will be paid to the employees. With the Viindoo Salary Management app, the salary structures are built and designed according to the genealogical form (parent-child level). That means you will build them based on a basic salary structure, including all the salary rules that every employee in the company will apply.

This article will show you how to set up and apply salary structures and salary structure type in the process of salary calculation.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Salary Structure Type

Salary Structure Type will help you to categorize and search for a salary structure. In addition, you can use it for configuring the salary rules if needed.

To show the salary structures type in the system, navigate to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Structures Type.

Salary structure types - Salary management in Viindoo

A Employee salary structure type is automatically suggested by the system, click on it to edit or create a new one:

Salary structures type
  • Name: The name of this salary structures type according to your classification purposes.

  • Regular Salary Structure: The default salary structure that will be used for regular salary computation on the HR contract document. E.g: For monthly payslip.

  • 13th-Month Salary Structure: The default 13th-Month Salary Structure that will be used for the 13th-Month Salary Structure field on the HR contract document.

  • Default Working Hours: The Working Hours that will be used by default on the HR contract document.

Salary Structures

To create new salary structures in the system, navigate to Payroll ‣ Configuration ‣ Salary Structures.

Salary structures - Salary management in Viindoo

The system will auto-suggest a basic salary structure with the following salary rules:

Basic salary rules - Salary management in Viindoo

Additionally, you also edit the Salary structures in terms of the practical application, reducing or adding more of the salary rules you want.

To create a new salary structures, click on New button:

Salary structures - Salary management in Viindoo

Fulfill the following information here:

  • Name: The name of the salary structures. E.g. Salary structures for Sales Managers.

  • Reference: The reference for the salary structures.

  • Structure Type: Enter a suitable Salary Structure Type will help you look up and categorize conveniently.

  • Parent: Select a parent salary structure. Besides the specific salary rules of this structure, this salary structure will inherit all parent’s salary rules. For example: The salary structure for the Sales Manager inherits all parent’s salary rules Basic Salary.

  • Update Employee Hourly Cost: If checked, after the payslip is confirmed, the employee’s hourly wage expenses will be updated in their employee record.

To add another salary rule to the salary structures, click on Add a line, the system will redirect you to a new view-screen to create a new salary rules.

Create a new Salary structures - Salary management in Viindoo

Businesses can organize salary structure in different ways of administration such as: By job position, by department, by employee level, etc.


The salary structures based on the parent salary structure will inherit all the salary rules of the Salary structures in the parent salary structures. Therefore, you just add a new Salary rule which applied explicitly to the salary structure in this case.