Steps to design, customize your Shop in Viindoo

With Viindoo, you can design, customize the products introduction page with simple operations without the knowledge of programming or the complicated support tools.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Product Configuration

First, you need to create the enterprise’s products.

After publishing, the products will be displayed on the Shop page.

List of product

Product page customization

For the best support to purchase the product, you should enable the following features.

Product Description

This is marketing content, explaining what the products are and what they do. It provides the detailed information about the product features and benefits so that customers will understand and make orders. To display the description, navigate to Website ‣ Edit, enable the Prod. Desc feature.

Product description feature Product description feature 1

When pointing to the product, its description will be displayed under the product image.

Description of the product

Add to Cart

This feature allows customers to add products to the cart faster. Accessing Website ‣ Edit, click on the Add to Cart icon.

Add to cart feature

After enabling this feature, the cart icon will appear left on the product image. You just need to click on it to add the product to the cart instead of hitting on each product.

Add to cart icon

List View (by default)

You go to Website ‣ Edit, enable the Default Sort feature. The system will display the products with the list form.

Display the listview of products

Grid or List button

You go to Website ‣ Edit, enable Layout feature.

Grid or List button feature

These buttons will be appeared, which allow you to swap the way to display products on the website according to the demand.

Grid or list buttons

Product Attribute’s Filters

To display the product’s attributes, you navigate to Website ‣ Edit, enable the Attribute feature. You can select it show on the top or on the left

Product Attribute's Filter

After that, the product’s attributes will be displayed and allow you to choose.

Attributes of products

Filter by Price

To search products in specific price range, you navigate to Website ‣ Edit, enable the Price Filter feature.

Filter by price option

After that, you can choose the suitable price range by adjusting the price bar. The products in selected price range will be displayed.

Using filter by price

Show Sort by

After activating the Top Bar feature by navigating to Website ‣ Edit, the system will display a button that allows you to select the option to sort the products.

Show sort by option

Now, you can select the way to sort the products by price or name, etc.

Product sort button

eCommerce Categories

To display the product’s categories, first, you need to configure the eCommerce categories. You access to Website > eCommerce > eCommerce Categories, and you click on New button to create a new eCommerce Categories. For instance, you have the product categories:

eCommerce categories

Go to Website ‣ Edit to enable the Categories. You can select it show on the top or on the left

Activate product categories

For example, you can choose to display it on the top side, and the eCommerce categories will appear as shown below

List of eCommerce categories


Whenever you make any changes in the Edit section, the system will automatically save your actions and display a notification, as shown below

save information