Configuration of Maintenance Teams, Equipment Categories and Maintenance Stages


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Viindoo Maintenance

Maintenance teams

With the Viindoo Maintenance app, you can create various maintenance teams to manage different maintenance activities. To create a team, navigate to Maintenance ‣ Configuration ‣ Maintenance Teams ‣ New.

Create the Maintenance Teams

Add the following information for the maintenance team:

  • Team Name: Select a name for your maintenance team.

  • Team Members: Select members for each team.

Setting the Maintenance Teams

Then press Save to store the configured maintenance team.

Equipment categories

The Maintenance app allows configuring different equipment categories for equipment classification and management purposes by navigating to Maintenance ‣ Configuration ‣ Equipment Categories ‣ New.

Create the Equipment Categories

In the equipment category form, select a name, a responsible person and briefly describe the characteristics, structurefor of this equipment category in the comments.

Setting the Equipment Categories

Maintenance stages


To configure the Maintenance stages and Activity types, you need to activate the debug mode.

To control the stages and maintenance procedures, you can create corresponding maintenance stages. You can set up maintenance stages by navigating to Maintenance ‣ Configuration ‣ Maintenance Stages ‣ +New.

Create the Maintenance Stages

Some stages are created by default, but you can press +New to generate a new one.

  • Name: Select a recognizable name for this maintenance stage.

  • Folded in Maintenance Pipe: If enabled, this stage will be folded in the kanban view.

  • Request Done: If enabled, maintenance requests in this stage will be considered as done.

Setting the Maintenance Stages

Then press Save.

Activity Types

Besides, you can configure activity types only for the Maintenance app, similar to the Maintenance types created by the system. To create or edit an existing activity type, navigate to Maintenance ‣ Configuration ‣ Activity Types. Refer to the Schedule activities article for detailed steps.

Setting the Activity types