How to create and manage online surveys


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Create Surveys

To create a survey, go to the Surveys app, and click on New. See details about overview and configuration in Survey app: Getting started with Survey.

Create a survey

A survey form can be used for many purposes, such as administering tests or collecting data for evaluation. You can select the type of survey to create from the options at the top of the survey creation interface.

  • Survey: This includes a standard survey form, used to collect feedback from clients.

  • Live Sessions: In online courses, live sessions are used to conduct online assessments.

  • Assessment: This is used to create certification exams. After completing the survey with a passing score, participants can receive a certificate.

  • Custom: This is the default option, applied to specific survey purposes that you customize.

Create a survey

After that, add a survey title and set up details for the survey as below:

Set up survey questions

At the Questions tab, click on Add a question or Add a section to create a question or a section.

Create surveys view


You can use Question bank to reduce manipulation.

Set up survey options

At the survey view click on the Options tab. You can customize the features of the survey with the following options:

  • Questions:

    • Pagination: Set up the layout of the survey.

      • One page per question: Each question will be displayed on one page.

      • One page per section: Questions under a section will be displayed one the same page.

      • One page with all the questions: All questions will be displayed on one page.

    • Display Progress as:

      • Percentage left: Shows the percentage of the survey completion progress (e.g. questions complete 1/10, progress will be 10%).

      • Number: Shows progress by quantity (e.g. questions complete 1/10, progress will be 1/10).

    • Question Selection: Display all questions or randomized per section.

    • Allow Roaming: Allows to go back to previous pages.

  • Participants:

    • Access Mode: Allow anyone with the link or invited people only.

    • Required Login: Survey participants are required to log into the system.

    • Limit Attempts: If you select that participants need to log in to take the survey, you can set the limit on the number of attempts participants can make here.

Survey options
  • Time & Scoring:

    • Survey Time Limit: Set time limit and create survey live sessions.

    • Scoring: Set up a scoring method for the survey. If you select to have a score, the information fields below need to be set up.

    • Required Score: If this survey is used for certification, you set the score requirement that participants need to achieve in order to be awarded the certification here. The score requirement is expressed as a percentage of correct answers on the survey.

    • Is a Certification: Check this if you want to set up an exam, then you can select a certificate template. You can preview the certificate template by clicking Preview.

    • Certified Email Template: Select a certificate email template. This email will be automatically sent to participants who earn the certification.

  • Live Session: Create survey live sessions.

Survey options

Description of the survey

The description will be displayed on the home page of the survey. You can use this to give the purpose and guidelines to your candidates before they start it.

Create surveys description

End message of the survey

End message will be appeared at the end of the survey. You can give thanks to participants.

Create end message

Click on save icon to create survey.

Start Survey

To check if a survey is working as desired, click on Test.

Test Survey

To go back to the survey view, click on Edit Survey.

Go back to the survey view

Click on Share to send this survey to participants via email or link.

Share and create live sessions

To start a survey with time limit settings, click on Create Live Session.

Share and create live sessions

At this time, participants can join the survey.

Join the survey

Manage surveys

Manage participations

You can check the participation of surveys by navigating to Surveys ‣ Participations.

List of participations

To check the detailed answers, click on that participation.

Detailed Answers

Manage surveys

Navigate to the Surveys ‣ Surveys, choose the survey that you want to manage:

  • Click on See results to check the figures and charts of the survey.

  • Click on Close to stop this survey, the survey stage will be changed to Archived.

  • Click on Participations to view all participation in this survey.

Manage surveys

Base on this answers, the manager can evaluate the E-Learning results.