Recruitment Analysis Reports

To view the recruitment reportings, access to the module Recruitment, navigate to Reporting > Recruitment Analysis.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

View reports in Sankey

When you access the Recruitment Analysis view, the system defaults to displaying reports in Sankey mode, group by Creation Date: Month > Jobs. This display helps you get a general overview of the stages from initiation to applied jobs.

For example, we had a total of 7 candidates at the new stage. The company then successfully transitioned and hired 2 candidates for the position of Human Resources Manager, 2 candidates for the position of Consultant, 2 candidates for the position of Chief Executive Officer, and 1 candidate for the position of Experienced Developer.

sankey interface

Furthermore, you can also click on the Display button to filter according to the system’s criteria.

filter in sankey interface

View reports in Graph

You press the Graph view icon on the right side of the interface to switch the report to Graph view. After that, you can turn off default condition to customize the report according to your needs.

Recruitment reportings interface

To change the value displayed on the vertical axis of the graph, use the Measures. In the list of measures, you check 1 value: Expected Salary, Proposed Salary, Count,…

Measures on the Recruitment reportings Interface

To change the value displayed on the horizontal axis of the graph, you use the Filters, Group By: Department, Stage, Responsible, etc.

Filters, Group By on the Recruitment reportings interface

You can choose to view reports in other graph types, or by increasing/decreasing values by clicking the respective icons.

Select the type of chart and increase, decrease

View reports in Pivot

You click the Pivot icon to view reports. You can click the “+” icon to select the criteria displayed on reports, or click the “-” icon if you want to close those criteria.

View reports in Pivot

After you click on the “+” icon, the system displays a list of criteria. You click on the criteria you want to display on the report: Company, Stage, Department, Responsible, Jobs, etc.

Select criteria displayed on the report

Unlike the Graph type, you can choose from multiple measures for reports. The reports will be displayed according to these measures.

Select the measures displayed on the report