Efficiently support your customer with commands and canned responses

The Create Canned Responses feature helps you save time in answering frequent questions from customers, reduces the risk of misspellings, and interacts quickly with visitors.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Create a Canned Responses

You navigate to Live Chat > Configuration > Canned Responses, hit on the New button.

A list of canned responses

Next, enter the shortcut contents and the substitutions.

Create a new canned response

After that, you click on the Save button to complete the creation.

Send the Canned Responses

To use the existing canned responses in a conversation, you just need to type “:” and then the shortcut you had configured.

Send the Canned Responses in Website Send the Canned Responses in Contact

This helps you to respond to customers quickly.


You can send cancel responses on the website or in the Discuss application, but this content will not translate. Therefore, if you would like to have suitable cancel responses with your customer (in the Vietnam region or other countries), you need to set up more other cancel responses.

Use the shortcut

For the convenience of users, the system provides several shortcuts to help you perform the specific actions in the chatbox quickly without going into the different applications to manipulate:

  • /help: Displays the help messages.

  • /history: Displays the most recently visited webpage of customers by the quantities of 15.

  • /leave: The shortcut for leaving the chat channel.

  • /lead: Generate a new lead. Note: You need to install CRM app.

  • /ticket: Create a new support request during the customer conversation. Note: You need to install the Helpdesk app.

Shortcuts of canned responses in Website Shortcuts of canned responses in Contact


When clicking on the shortcut link of a Lead or a support request from the chatbox, the system will display the details screen of the newly created Lead and the Support Ticket for you to edit more information.