Employee Advance Process

This article will guide you through the steps in an employee advance process. Before learning these steps, you need to understand the access rights of the Employee Advance module. Refer to: Overview about employee advance


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Create employee advance requests

To create employee advance requests, navigate to Employee Advance > New.

Create employee advance requests

On the employee advance view, enter the following information:

Employee advance view
  • Employee: The person that needs advance. The system will auto-add the advance request creator to this field. If the user is an Approver/Administrator of the Employee Advance access app, he/she can create advances for their co-worker by typing another employee in this field.
  • Job Position, Department: The job position, department of the person that needs the advance. The system will auto-fill this field according to the selected employee.
  • Advance Date: The day the advance is created.
  • Total Amount: The advance amount, the system will auto-calculate it by calculating the sum of the Advance Lines.
  • Advance Lines tab: Details of each advance item. Press Add a line, type the Description and the Amount of each advance item.

Review the information and then press save.

Confirm the advance reuqest

Create an approval reques

The person creating the advance request will forward the information to the supervisor for approval. Click Request Approval.

The request on the waiting approved stage

The approval request creation window is displayed, you fill in the title and click Submit.

The request on the waiting approved stage

After submission, the system will switch to the interface of the approval application with all the information from the advance request form. Here, the person who created the advance request form will Submit it to the supervisor and monitor the progress of their advance request approval.

The request on the waiting approved stage The request on the waiting approved stage

Approve the Advance request

Based on the list of approvers selected in the approval request type, the system will display notifications and assign activities directly to that person.

Search a request Search a request

The approver accesses the path Approval > Approval Requests and selects the request in the Pending approval status.

Search a request

Alternatively, in the activity assignment section on the right, you select the approval request that has been assigned to you.

Search a request

After checking the information, press Approve, Refuse or Cancel to reset to draft to edit.

Approve the advance request

In the case of advance approval, the supervisor will click Mark as done and use the chatter to send the approval information to the employee requesting the advance and the accountant to continue the payment process.

Approve the advance request Approve the advance request

Advance request payment

After the request is approved, the accounting department will transfer the advance amount to the requesting person. To pay the Advance request for the employee in your company, you need to:

Navigate to Employee Advance > Requests/Declarations, search for the request you want to pay and that has been approved by the supervisor.

Find the advance request to pay

Press Pay on the advance request and enter the payment information:

Press Pay Press Pay
  • Payment Date: Select the accounting date of the payment entry.

  • Amount: The payment amount paid to the Employee. You can enter a smaller amount (split the payment). On the next payment, the system will suggest the remaining amount.

  • Payment Method: Select a journal corresponding to the advance’s payment method.

    • If you pay by cash: Select the Cash journal.

    • If you pay by bank transfer: Select the Bank journal.

  • Memo: Type something to help you remember this payment, to make it easier to search, lookup afterward.

  • Press Pay.

After the payment, you will see the payment information on the Payments tab with the Posted status.

Select a payment line Journal Entry

See also

Related article

Optional module