Archive employee

The archive feature on Viindoo software system works on how the business would complete the Employee Life Cycle to archive or hide all the related documents when an employee leaves his job.

It’s better to archive instead of removing the employee record because you can easily access their information whenever needed.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:


Archive the employee record

To archive an employee record, navigate to module Employees> Employees Menu > Employees or click on the employee card that needs to be archived on the Kanban view of Employees.

Search the employee record

Click on the gear icon as shown below and select Archive.

Archive the employee record

You need to fulfill the following information when seeing the Employee Termination:

  • Departure Reason: Click on the down arrow to choose the reason.
  • Departure Date: Viindoo Software will suggest the current date but you can change this information on a case-by-case basis.
  • Close Activities: Check on the actions you want to cancel with this employee. Such as Time off, Allocations, Contract, etc…
  • Detailed Reason: Add the other detailed information for this employee record.

Then you choose Apply.

Register Departure

After selecting Apply, the state of employee record shall be changed to ARCHIVED.

The archived employee record

Archived the User account

In case an employee has been granted a User account, when he leaves the job or his User account is no longer needed, you have to archive the corresponding User account.

Navigate to Setting App > Users > Manager Users and select the User account that needs to be archived.

It’s similar to the flow of archiving the employee record, you click on the gear icon as shown below and select Archive.

Archive the User account

Click on Archive to make sure that you want to archive the User record.

Agree to archive the User account

The User account state is changed to ARCHIVED when clicking on Archive. Viindoo System will remind you to save the contact linked to this Use account. You can access the contact view by clicking the hyperlinked contact.

The User account after archive

On the view of this User contact, click on the gear icon as shown below and select Archive.

Archive the linked contact

The Confirmation wizard pops out again to make sure that you want to archive this record, click on Archive.

Agree to archive the linked contact

Finally, the contact will be in the ARCHIVED state.

The contact after archive