Assessments and Certifications in Elearning

When a company successfully recruits new employees, they are required to participate in the company’s E-Learning courses on training the necessary expertise to meet the job demands. How to manage their online studying process or evaluate their studying results? This writing will guide you on how to evaluate the E-Learning results.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Assessments criteria

Viindoo E-Learning module provides various criteria for result assessment as follows:

  • The track of learning progress: allows users to view how far the employees/trainees have progressed.

  • Certification: assess trainees with the questionnaires and issue certificates as soon as they’ve passed the exam.

  • Bank of questions: allows you to create exams, quizzes with a variety of question and answer types: text box (single or multiple lines), only one or multiple answers, matrix, numerical value, date and time. The exams are randomly selected to reduce the chances of answers comparison.

  • Performance evaluation: it is necessary to determine the minimum point that needs to be achieved to pass the exam, thereby limiting the time for the exam and the number of mock exams for the trainees.

  • Quick reply: trainees can check their answers and compare them with the correct answer after submitting the exam.

  • Certifications, badges: employees who pass the exam will be awarded a badge shown on their profile or issued instantly a certificate via email.


E-Learning module is integrated with the Surveys app to create assessments and issue certificates for the trainees. To integrate, you need to enable the Certifications feature in the Settings section of the eLearning module.

Certificate configuration

Settings of questionnaires and assessment rules

Design reviewing questions after each lesson

To improve the efficiency of learning lessons and strengthen the knowledge of candidates, users can create quick exams at the end of each lesson.

Exams at the end of a lesson

In the E-Learning course’s Content view , select the Quiz tab. At the Questions section on the right side, click on Add a line.

Create quizzes

A wizard will pop out to enter the Q&A. Check on the corresponding box of the Is correct answer column to record the correct answer.


After filling in the information, click on the Save & Close button. Finally, click the Save manually icon to record all the above settings.

Design a course certificate

In addition to the reviewing questions at the end of the lesson, you can design a complete exam to evaluate and certify employee ability.

Completion exam

Create certifications and questionnaires

Navigate to Courses > Certifications and click on the + New button. In the view, type the certification’s name.

Create new certifications Create certifications

In the Questions tab, click on Add a question and a wizard will pop out to create questions with various types of answers.

Create questions

Settings of assessment rules

In the Options tab, users can configure all the related information to create corresponding assessments of each course type:

  • The QUESTIONS section allows to:

    • You can select different Pagination: one page per question, one page per section, or one page with all the question.

    • Select Display Progress as percentage or number.

    • With Question Selection, you can choose to show all questions or show randomized questions one a section.

    • You can also add a Allow Roaming if you want the participants to be able to go back to the previous questions.

  • The PARTICIPANTS section allows to:

    • Set up Access Mode to take the exam.

    • Enable Required Login to require participants to log in to do the exam.

  • The TIME & SCORING section allows to:

    • Set up Survey Time Limit.

    • Select Scoring rules for the candidates: no scoring or scoring with a condition.

    • Select the Required Score, which is the percentage that the participant has to reach to pass the exam.

    • Select Certification Template and Certified Email Template when auto-sending certification to trainees.

  • The LIVE SESSION section allows to:

    • Copy the exam link and send it to the candidates.

    • Reward quick answers: Attendees get more points if they answer quickly.

Online exam options - 1 Online exam options - 2

At last, save the configured quizzes and certifications to your course. Here is an example of an exam after creation.

The exam

Assess and certificate to trainees

Assess based on learning progress

To track an employee’s learning progress, navigate to the course and select Attendees. Here is a list of all the people who have participated in the course and their learning progress.

Attender list of the course The learning progress

The employees can also view their learning progress right on their course profile.

The learning progress

Assess based on the exam result

When the employee completes the assessment exam, the system will auto-calculate and show the result. You can review their answers.

Answer in detailed

The employees also see their scores after finishing the exam.

Download certificate

When passing the exam, the system will issue a certificate and the course will be confirmed on their profile.

Certification Completed course

You can check the number of employees has obtained the course certificate by navigating to that Certification and clicking on Certified.

Certifications list Certification in detailed

See also

Related article

Optional module