Delivery with Three-step flow: Pick, Pack and Ship

Viindoo set the direct delivery method in Inventory by default. If you’d like to use a multi-step flow such as packing and checking quality before delivery, you can change it into the three-step flow.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Three-step Delivery configuration

Three-step Delivery flow: Goods will be picked, then packed or quality-checked before being gathered at the output location, and lastly, shipped to customers.

To configure this flow, navigate to Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Warehouses, and select the warehouse you want to apply the flow. On the tab Warehouse Configuration ‣ Outgoing shipment, check the option Pack goods, send goods in output then deliver (3 steps).

activate 3-step delivery in Viindoo


After the three-step delivery flow is set, one of the two below cases may happen:

  • Case 1: If you change from One step delivery to Three-step delivery, the system will create Packing Zone and Output Location.

  • Case 2: If you change from Two-step delivery to Three-step delivery, the system will only create Packing Zone because Output Location is already created before.

You can change the names of these new locations and their setting by following path Inventory ‣ Configuration ‣ Locations, and select the necessary locations.

Change Location setting in Viindoo

How a three-step delivery flow works

Let’s go through the example below to understand the flow:

After a quotation is confirmed, the system will generate three stock transfers for the outgoing shipment. On the sales order, click on the icon Delivery to go to the transfer list.

Confirm the quotation

Goods will be moved as the below sequence:

  • First step: From stock to Packing Zone. In this example, it is the transfer reference WH/PICK/00004 with status Ready.

  • Second step: From Packing Zone to Output location, as shown in the transfer reference WH/PACK/00001 with status Waiting Another Operation.

  • Third step: From Output location to Customer location, as shown in the last transfer WH/OUT/00123 with status Waiting Another Operation.

The source of all these transfers is the Sales Order S00229.

Three step delivery flow in Viindoo

To keep track of all transfers, go to Inventory ‣ Inventory Overview. You should check transfers at Pick, Pack and Delivery Orders as marked on the below image.

Inventory Overview in Viindoo

To finish the flow, you need to do the following in turn:

First step: From stock to Packing Zone

Go to Pick ‣ To process, select the transfer and click on the button Validate. The transfer status will be changed from Ready to Done.

Confirm picking in Viindoo

Now the products are moved to Packing Zone.

Packing zone in Viindoo

Meanwhile, stock transfer from Packing Zone to Output will be changed from Waiting to Ready status.

Second step: From Packing Zone to Output location

Go to Pack ‣ To Process, click on the button Validate on the transfer to make it Done.

Confirm Packing in Viindoo Finish packing in Viindoo

Similar to the previous step, now the transfer from Output to Customer will be changed into Ready status.

Third step: From Output location to Customer location

Go to Delivery Orders ‣ To Process, click on Validate to make the transfer Done.

Confirm the delivery in Viindoo Finish the delivery in Viindoo

That’s the guideline of three-step delivery flow in Viindoo, hope you find it useful to apply for your business.