Contract Expiry

In HR management, you might need to manage the labor contracts that about to expire and expiring in order to make further decisions: continue to renew the contract or put the contract into storage, prepare records and procedures for a resigning employee, etc.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Contracts expiration alert

Navigate to Employees app > Employees > Contracts to view list of employee’s contract.

List of employee's contract in Viindoo Software

The software has a red alert function for expiring contracts (manually or automatically), making them easy to see.

  • Automatic: When the labor contract falls within the 7 days prior to the End Date, the software will automatically mark the contract stage as red.

Alert for contract about to expire in Viindoo HR management software
  • Manual: You press on red alert on the right of the interface to identify expiring contracts.

press red icon display red icon


In case your company have separate document manager and contract manager, the expired contracts will be notified to document manager base on setting at menu employee document.

Manage expiring contracts

To change a contract stage to Expired, press Expired on the contract view.

Close Expired contract in Viindoo software

Or the software can also automatically change the contract stage to Expired when the contract expires (Current date = End Date stated on the contract).

Expired contract in Viindoo software

To view Expired contracts, enter Employees app, navigate to Employees > Contracts, a list of existing Contracts sorted by Status will appear.

Existing contracts list in Viindoo software

Create a new contract when old contracts expired

You navigate to Employees > Contracts, and click on New button. After that, you star enter the information in order to create a new contract.

Renew a labor contract in Viindoo software

Archive expired contracts

In case you no longer need to renew a contract, you can archive it by enter Employees app, navigate to Employees > Contracts, open the contract that you want to archive then go to Icon Setting > Archive.

Archive a contract in Viindoo software

You can view the archived contracts by navigating to Employees app > Employees > Contracts > Filters > Archived.

Archive a contract in Viindoo software