Real time visualized Purchase Analysis

As a purchase manager, you need to carry out the information in the last month/quarter, about the amount of the purchase orders, the quotations, the value of those orders, and the average delivery time of the Vendor that the enterprise had been performed.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Viindoo Purchase Management app will support you in tracking and making the plan of purchasing which is suitable for the actual business of your company.


Users with the configured access right as Administrator of the Purchase app can see the Reporting menu. You can refer to Introduction of Purchase in Viindoo to set access right for user accounts.

Graph Reports

To view the report of purchasing, you navigate to Purchase ‣ Reporting ‣ Purchase.

Accessing to report of Viindoo Purchase Management Application

With the default setting, the system will display the report of the line chart, and the default filter is Purchase Orders or Confirmation Date: + the current month you are viewing. For example, the default filter is Purchase Orders or Confirmation Date: August 2024, the purchase data that belongs to either confirmed purchase orders or purchase orders in August will be displayed.

Report chart of Viindoo Purchase Management Application
  • Vertical axis value: Used as the criteria in Measures. The software only allows selecting one criterion to display.

Measures of report in Viindoo Purchase Management Application
  • Horizontal axis value: The default setting will be according to the confirmation date of the purchase order. In case you want to change the horizontal axis value, use the Group by feature. According to the business needs, the software suggests group criteria by default such as by Supplier, Vendor Country, Purchasing Representative, Product, Product Category, Status, Order Date, Confirmation Date. With Add custom group you can find more criteria depending on the intended use.

Group by criteria of Viindoo purchase report

The system supports the various type of reports which are: the Bar chart, the Stacked, the Pie chart, the Line chart. You just have to swap among these symbols to view the different report interfaces. Or you also can sort the value of the horizontal axis in ascending or descending order.

Different type of reports in Viindoo Purchase Management Application

Pivot Table Report

The graph report helps you to see the fluctuation over a period of time in which related to the request for quotations/sale orders/Vendors. The pivot reports provide data to analyze those fluctuations.

To switch to the pivot interface, you click on the table symbol on the right corner of the screen.

Switching the report interface in Viindoo Purchase Management Application

Now the purchase report will be changed to pivot mode. By default, the system will display the report by Product Category in the vertical column and the horizontal column by Count, Order, Untaxes Total, Total.

Pivot purchase report in Viindoo Purchase Management Application

Similar to the chart format, the pivot table also uses the measure values ​​to display in the vertical column. These values ​​are the same as in the chart form, but the pivot format allows the user to combine multiple measure values ​​at the same time.

Measures of Viindoo pivot purchase report

When you hit on the + symbol, you can select the criteria you want to see. For instance, viewing the report by Product, Purchase order, Vendor, etc.

Opening more criteria on the Viindoo pivot purchase report

Not only you can view the report directly on the software, you can also export the report with the selected criteria to excel by clicking on the Download xlsx button.

Exporting Viindoo pivot purchase report to excel file

In addition, you can switch the positions of all criteria in columns and rows for each other.

Convert rows and columns on Viindoo pivot purchase report