Maintenance Reporting

Viindoo’s Maintenance application helps you track the number of maintenance requests by devices, technicians, or time-consuming.

Currently, Viindoo supports the following types of reports:

  • Graphs like bar, stack, line, pie;

  • Pivot table;

  • List;

  • Calendar.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Report in graph

Navigate to Maintenance ‣ Reporting ‣ Maintenance Requests.

View maintenance report in Viindoo

By default, the system displays the bar chart in stacked columns with the criteria in the Measurement according to the number of maintenance requests (Count). That corresponds to the criteria in the vertical axis. The criteria of the horizontal axis are classified by each Technician and stage. This chart allows you to track the totally new, in-progress, and repaired maintenance requests by employees.

Stacked report in Viindoo

You can change the vertical axis in the Measures section and use the Group by feature to change the horizontal axis value.

Choose Measures in report

In addition, the software supports other chart interfaces such as pie or line charts. You click on the corresponding icons to switch to other reports and can sort the horizontal axis values in ascending or descending.

The other reports

Report in pivot table

The pivot table shows the specified analysis data according to the maintenance requests of the employees. Click on the table icon in the right corner to switch to this report.

Switch to pivot table.

The pivot table allows you to combine multiple metrics at once. By default, the system will not display any information, and therefore you need to apply the filters yourself. Click on + to select the desired criteria, for example, by Technician, Equipment, Maintenance Type, etc.

Add metrics to the pivot table

Moreover, you can swap the positions of columns and rows.

Swap the positions of columns and rows

The system not only supports viewing the report directly, but you can also export the report with the selected criteria to excel or add it to a Spreadsheet by clicking the corresponding button.

Download xlsx

Other reports

To switch to other reports, you click on the corresponding icons. With the Kanban view, the system will display the maintenance requests with the configured stages.

Kanban view

With the List view, you use the Filter/Group By features to customize the report. With this view, you can also export to excel.

List view

With the Calendar view, you can see the maintenance plans of all technicians by Day/Month/Year to get an overview of which technicians are busy at the specified time.

Calendar view

With the Activity view, you can see the activities of all technicians according to Activity Type.

Activity view

See also

Related article

Optional module