User account privacy setting


This tutorial requires you to install the Viindoo instance.

Viindoo enterprise management software allows users to adjust the setting of their Profile to make it fits best to their needs. These settings are only applied to the user’s account and will be the default setting when they use that account.

Access to your Profile

First of all, you need to access your Profile view. On every Viindoo app interface, you will see your name and profile picture on the top right corner of your screen. Press on that area to open the private setting menu, and then select My Profile.

Open the private setting menu to access My Profile in Viindoo

Set up the information in your profile

Most user information used in My Profile is taken from employee profiles. Those information are input from the Employee app when the Employee profile is linked to the User, and can be adjusted on the employee’s profile.

My Profile view in Viindoo

Although, you can still change the following info on the Setting of My Profile:

Set up system notification

Viindoo system provides 2 ways for user to receive notifications: receiving directly on the system or receiving via personal email. Access My Profile ‣ Preferences ‣ Notification to set up the default option for receiving notifications:

Set up notification on Viindoo Profile
  1. Handle by Email
    With this option, notifications are sent to the users’ email. This is the default option for new user creation.
  2. Handle in Viindoo
    When you select this option, the system will only send notifications on the software and won’t send any emails.

With the Handle by email function, you need to set up your email address in the Email field. Type the correct email so that the system can send emails to your mailbox.


If you would like to receive both system and email notifications when setting up Handle by Email, you can install Inbox Notifications and Emails module.

Set up system notification in Viindoo

Set up Chatter Position

On the records in the Viindoo system, you will usually use chatter to exchange internal information or communicate with your clients.

By default, the system adjusts the chatter position based on the screen size. If your computer screen is small, the chatter will display at the bottom of the screen. Conversely, on larger screens, the chatter will appear on the right side of the interface.

For example:

The chatter position appear at the bottom of the screen.

Bottom Chatter View in Viindoo

The chatter position appear on the right side of the interface

Sided Chatter View in Viindoo


To set up Chatter Position, you need to install Chatter Position (web_chatter_position) module.

Select the Language

Access My Profile ‣ Preferences ‣ Language and select a language on the list. To add more language to your system, refer to this article Installing & using multilingual guidelines.

Select a language in Viindoo

Choose your Timezone

Also on the Preferences tab, you can select the timezone for the system activities. After you select, the system will adjust the schedule and time for the activities corresponding to the selected timezone.

Select a timezone in Viindoo

Set up an email signature

In the Email Signature field, Viindoo system provides a basic text editor toolkit with some common functions such as bold, italic, underline, insert images, etc. Use these tools to create the email signature that you can use when sending an email from Viindoo system.

Email signature in Viindoo

Change password

Access My Profile ‣ Account Security ‣ Password Management ‣ Change password. Then the system will ask you to type the old password to confirm the change, type and press Confirm Password to confirm.

Change password in Viindoo Enter old password in Viindoo

After that, you type the new password twice, and press Change Password to save.

Create a new password in Viindoo

Now, the system will send you back to the login view. Use your new password to log in to the system.


To ensure security, you should set a password according to the password rule that the password is longer than 8 characters, including: uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.


When you access this interface to set up account privacy, new features such as Time Off, Assigned Equipment, and Resume may appear. This occurs because the modules are interconnected and will display once installed, helping streamline your work processes. However, if your primary focus is setting up user account privacy, the features mentioned above should be sufficient for your needs.