Bulk Vendor bills creation

To create multiple purchase invoices at the same time, Viindoo Purchase Management app provides the bulk Vendor bills feature.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

On the Purchase Order list, you group them by the Billing status.

Bulk vendor bills creation feature Grouping the Purchase order by the billing status Grouping the Purchase order by the billing status

In the list of purchase orders in the Waiting Bills status, you select the purchase orders that need to be created vendor bills.

Selecting list of Purchase orders needed for creating vendor bills

Next, clicking on Create Bills to create vendor bills. The system will automatically create the draft bills and link them to the related purchase order.

List of draft Vendor bills


When you create vendor bills in bulk, if there are multiple purchase orders with the same vendor, the system will gather the data from all those purchase orders into a single bill.