Generate Lead/Opportunity from your website Contact page

In Vindoo solution, each business can set up its own website to introduce and provide information about products and services of their business to customers. For requests or questions that arise, customers can use Contact Us form, one of the main communication channels that are provided by the software right on the website.

With the help of the CRM app, a Lead will be able to be generated automatically, according to the information entered by a customer on the Contact Us form.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Website installation and Contact Us form

  1. Go to Viindoo Apps, search for Website and install the app.

Website installation - Viindoo
  1. After the installation is done, go to your website, you will see your Contact us page is created automatically. You can edit your Contact us form, please refer to How to create and design a new webpage on your Website.

Contact us page

Press Edit, click on any fields in this view, go to Customize, move to Action, choose the option Create an Opportunity, and then Save:

click on edit page Configuration to create an opportunity in contact form

Details of Lead/Opportunity generated from Contact Us form

  1. Customer enters information on Contact Us form.

Customer enters information contact us form Viindoo Customer enters information contact us form Viindoo
  1. After the form is submitted, a Lead is automatically generated with the information. You access to CRM > Lead, and choose that Lead.

Lead generated from the website with the information retrieved from Contact Us form Website CRM Viindoo Lead source CRM Viindoo

In which:

  • Internal Notes: The software will display the information that your customers noted.

  • Extra Infor: The software will display information about the origin of the Lead in the Medium field.

Internal Notes tab Extra Infor tab


Refer to How to tracks your clicks and visitors with link trackers to setup Campaign, Medium and Source that will automatically be filled on the Lead.

  1. On the Lead interface, you can view the number of visits that this customer has made to your website by clicking on Page Views.You can also view similar leads to this lead, if there are any, through the statistical software by clicking on Similar Leads.

page view history in lead - Viindoo


  • Customers coming from the website often have a high conversion rate and should be prioritized.

  • Especially, the Leads generated this way can track the Page View History done by the customer on the website, from which the sales consultant can take better care of the customers and hereby optimize sales from this source.