Getting started with CRM in Viindoo


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strong application to optimize marketing cost and boost revenue by organizing sales activities (track leads, follow up and win opportunities) and understanding customer insights.

This post is about:

  • Key features of CRM;

  • How to install CRM in Viindoo;

  • User access rights.

Introduction to Customer Relationship Managememt CRM in Viindoo

Key features of CRM

Introduction to Customer Relationship Managememt CRM in Viindoo

How to install CRM in Viindoo

First, you go to Viindoo Apps from the user overview interface.

Install CRM application in Viindoo

Search the keyword CRM in the search bar, then click Activate button.

Install CRM application in Viindoo

User access rights

CRM app has the same access rights as the access rights on Sales App.