Transfer between Bank account and Cash on hand


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Deposit money into a bank account

To deposit into your bank account, follow these steps:

Cash disbursement

Create an internal cash-out payment from the cash journal account

Navigate to Accounting ‣ Vendors ‣ Payments ‣ New to create an internal transfer payment:

Disburse cash to deposit

In which:

  • Internal Transfer: If enabled, a notification about the automatic creation of the second payment at the destination journal will be displayed.

  • Payment Type: Send;

  • Amount: The amount that you want to deposit;

  • Journal: Choose the Cash on hand journal;

  • Payment Method: The system will suggest the configured method on the journal;

  • Destination Journal: Select the journal of the bank to which you will deposit money.

Click on save manually and Confirm, a payment to record the internal transfer from the cash journal to the selected destination journal will be displayed. To view this payment, go to Accounting > Vendors > Payments, remove the default filter, select the Internal Transfer filter and search by the amount spent from the cash journal.

View payment slip


Withdraw money from the bank account and send it to cash on hand

Withdraw money

Create an internal cash-out payment from a bank journal

To record the withdrawal money transaction, navigate to Accounting ‣ Vendors ‣ Payments to create an internal transfer payment:

Withdraw money to cash on hand

In which:

  • Internal Transfer: If enabled, a notification about the automatic creation of the second payment at the destination journal will be displayed.

  • Payment Type: Send;

  • Amount: The amount that you want to withdraw;

  • Journal: Choose the journal of the bank account that you want to withdraw;

  • Payment Method: The system will suggest the configured method on the journal;

  • Destination Journal: Select the journal of the cash that you will deposit money into.

Click on save manually and Confirm, and the system will automatically generate a payment recording the amount transferred internally from the bank journal to the selected cash destination journal. Similar to operations as cash out, you will see related payments.


  • For bank journal: When receiving the bank statement, create a statement and reconcile it with the payment slip just created above.

  • For cash journal: Create a cash on hand statement and make a reconciliation between the cash-out payment and the cash on hand statement.

Register deposit interest

When you receive a statement of the amount of deposit interest, you need to create a transaction in the Viindoo Accounting app:

Demand deposit interest
Press Save, return to the Accounting Dashboard, select the bank ledger with the added transaction, then click on Reconcile:
In the reconciliation interface, access the Manual Operations tab, and click on the line that needs correction:
Choose the accounting account of interest
Here you can choose the account of deposit interest at the Account field:
Choose the accounting account of interest
Press Confirm. To check the generated entry, select View Journal Entry.
View Journal Entries Check Journal Entries


  • You (as Accounting module Admin) can use the reconciliation model to create rules for reconciling the deposit interest. So that, your staff can use the model to fit in.