Apply Coupon and Next Order Coupon Program

Viindoo eCommerce app allows your enterprise to set up coupon programs and next order coupon programs to raise consumer demand, increase sales revenue.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Activate a Coupon and Next Order Coupon Program

To activate this feature, navigate to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. At the Pricing section, select Discounts, Loyalty & Gift Card.

Activate the discount feature

Press Save and then create a Coupon/Next Order Coupon Program.

How to apply Coupon Program

For example, you have a coupon program as follow.

create a coupon program

Set up rules for coupon program

set up rules for coupon program

Set up rewards for coupon program

set up rewards for coupon program

You press Generate Coupons and create coupons sent to your loyal customers. Customers who are selected will receive coupon via email if they have an email address set up on the contact. If you don’t set up emails beforehand, your customers won’t receive promotional coupons

generate coupons generate and send coupons for customers

Apply on Sales

Go to the Sales > Orders > Orders, press New to create a new quotation.

apply coupon code on sales

Next, you press to Coupon code button and enter your coupon code and click Apply. You will see a discount code if it is available

enter coupon code on sales select coupon code

Finally, you continue with the payment process for the customer

apply coupon code done on sale

Apply on Ecommerce

Customers can go to the products page on the website, choose the product, click Add to cart, and proceed with the payment. In the Review Order view, you enter code in the Gift Card or discount code field, and press Apply button. If the coupon code is valid, the system will show a successfully applied notification and the promotion will be added to the order.

i have a promo code apply counpon code on website apply coupon code done on website

Apply on POS

You go to the Point of Sale application, and press the New Session button to initiate a sales session on the POS

create a new session

In order to apply coupon code for your customers, you click Enter Code field, enter promo code and press Confirm.

apply coupon code on pos apply counpon code done on pos

How to apply Next Order Coupon Program

Similar to a coupon program, the next order coupon program will have a code to apply when customers make a purchase. However, they will need to make a first-time purchase instead of receiving the code immediately. For example, you have a next order coupon program as follow.

create a next order coupon program

Set up rules for next order coupon program

set up rule for a next order coupon program

Set up rewards for next order coupon program

set up reward for a next order coupon program

On your first purchase, after the salesperson clicks the Confirm button on the sales order (transferring from quotation to sales order), you will receive a coupon code via email.

receive coupon code via email

Apply on Sales

Go to the Sales > Orders > Orders, press New to create a new quotation.

create a sales order

Next, you press to Coupon code button and enter your coupon code and click Apply. You will see a coupon code if it is available

apply a next order coupon on sales select a next order coupon on sales

Finally, you continue with the payment process for the customer

next order coupon program done on website

Apply on Ecommerce

Customers can go to the products page on the website, choose the product, click Add to cart, and proceed with the payment. In the Review Order view, you enter code in the Gift Card or discount code field, and press Apply button. If the coupon code is valid, the system will show a successfully applied notification and the promotion will be added to the order.

i have a promo code apply a next order coupon program on website next order coupon program done on ecommerce

Apply on POS

You go to the Point of Sale application, and press the New Session button to initiate a sales session on the POS

create a new session

In order to apply coupon code for your customers, you click Enter Code field, enter coupon code and press Confirm.

enter next order coupon program on pos apply a next order coupon program done on pos


  • On the other hand, if the coupon code is invalid or expired, it will show the following warning.

  • By default, the Promo code option is automatically activated on your website. If you don’t want public users to apply the promo code on the website, navigate to Website, on the Cart page, click on Edit and deactivate Promo code.

  • Only the user with the Editor and Designer role can change this option on the website depending on the enterprise policy.