Getting started with Recruitment in Viindoo

Recruitment is an essential process for every company. It plays an important role in operating the human resource system, generating assets and revenue for the company and contributing to the prosperity of the company. With that being said, Viindoo software provides you with effective and detailed solutions by creating new recruitment requests, receiving new applications, communicating with the applicants until they become your employees.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Module Activation

To use the features of Recruitment, you need to activate the Recruitment (hr_recruitment) module by clicking on the Apps on the main interface.

Viindoo Apps Menu

On the search bar, type the keyword hr_recruitment, and clicking on Activate.

Searching the Recruitment module

After activating, the icon of Recruitment module will appear on the main interface.

Viindoo Recruitment Menu

Module Access Rights

To grant user access rights to the Recruitment module, you need to navigate to the Setting module.

Viindoo Setting Menu

Click on Manage Users.

Viindoo Users Management

Locate to the user you want to change the Recruitment Access Right, and set Recruitment Access Right for this user.

Viindoo Recruitment Access Right
  • Blank: Users do not have the Recruitment Access Right - cannot see/access the Recruitment module.

  • Interviewer: Interviewer right will give access to all job position/applications where the employee is defined. It will allow to refuse, plan meetings

  • Recruitment Officer:

    1. Create, edit, delete Applicant.

    2. View Recruitment Analysis Report.

    3. Have the right to configure menus but doesn’t have the right to create, edit, deleting Stage and Activity types.

Viindoo Recruitment Officer
  • Administrator: Have full access to the Recruitment module.