Getting started with Inventory in Viindoo

This article will guide you through the Viindoo Inventory application installation and set up access rights for users.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:


You can experience the Inventory management application by accessing Viindoo Apps List.

Access to Viindoo Inventory management application

Find the Viindoo Inventory management application by entering “Inventory” in the searching toolbar and press Enter. Viindoo System will display that application searched, then click on activate and wait for successful installation.

Install Viindoo Inventory management application

Access Rights configuration

Users with system settings permission can grant access rights to other users by navigating to Settings ‣ General Settings ‣ Manage Users, selecting a user to configure access rights according to the job requirements.

Navigate to access rights configuration in Viindoo Inventory app Grant Access Rights of Viindoo Inventory management application

Viindoo Inventory application provides 3 categories basically of access permission for user included as follows:

  • User with no access rights: Cannot access to Inventory application.

  • User: Is usually the warehouse staff and they have rights to:

  • Administration: Can be applied to warehouse supervisors. This role has full access to products, delivery, and stock-taking notes features, as well as to reports and input data configuration to ensure the warehouse activities of the business.