Upselling with alternative products

Recommending alternative or higher-quality products (upselling) when a product is out of stock is a great way to retain customers and boost sales. The Alternative Products feature of Viindoo system will help you make the most out of this strategy by allowing you to mentions other products on the E-commerce website.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

First, go to Website ‣ eCommerce ‣ Products, and select an eCommerce product.

Setup upselling products

On the Sales tab, add the alternative products in the Alternative Products field. After that, click on the Save icon.

Select the upselling products

Go to the website to see how the alternative products are displayed.

go to Website

Whenever you select Alternative Products in the backend, you will see them in the outside and don’t need to any settings.

alternative products 1 alternative products 2

However, you can press to Edit. System allow you configure the visibility feature. That mean, you can have the alternative product displayed on the desktop or mobile interface or both.

hide feature

For example, turn off the visibility feature on the computer, you will not see them. However, when you transform the mobile phone mode, alternative products are visible.

hide computer show mobile phone
