Employee document type


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Users may need to categorize the documents of employees in order to save, manage and use them with the most efficiency and convenient. Viindoo System Software allows user to put the documents into different categories, such as: Citizen Card, Passport, Contract Labour, Social Related Docs, etc. according to what purpose they have.


You access the Viindoo Apps, search for the keyword Employee Documents, then click Activate.

Installing employee documents module in Viindoo

Create employee document type

Go to Employee app to access employee documents.

View of Employee menu for employee document

Then acccess Configuration ‣ Document type.

Configuration on employee menu employee document type creation Partner - Viindoo

These common document types are already pre-defined: Citizen Card, Passport, Contract Labour and Social Related Docs. You can create a new one by pressing New if needed or select one by clicking on it.

Select employee document type Partner - Viindoo

All the information related to this document type are displayed on the view. Preview and make any change on the fields (if needed).

Employee Document keeper Partner - Viindoo.

A regular document type consists of the following information:

  • Name: Name of the document type.

  • Type: Type of document according to it’s purpose.

  • Description: Description of the document type.

  • Being kept by: Define the person who is keeping this document (this document could be either in the hand of the company or the employee).

  • Days to notify: Define how many days before the expiration date, a notification will be sent.

  • Return upon termination: Define whether the company has to return the documents of this type to their owners when they leave.

If the document is owned by the company, the document manager can set whether to return the original to the employee when the document expires, by checking the Return upon termination.

Employee Document keeper Partner - Viindoo.

Finally, save changes data.