Manage lost Lead/Opportunity


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

In the process of consulting and supporting customers, for some reason, your customers might no longer need to purchase the products and you have to mark these Leads/Opportunities as Lost then start another search, grow other leads to reach the sales KPI.


There are 5 common groups of reasons for sales failure:

  • Pricing;

  • Timing;

  • Competitors;

  • Decision-making ability;

  • Unsuitable product/service.

Through each lost opportunity, you will have new lessons and experiences to improve your sales skills.

Configure Lost Reasons on CRM app

Establishing the causes of failure helps you to analyze reasons why customers don’t want to purchase, thereby coming up with suitable solutions for the upcoming sales opportunities.

Open CRM app then navigate to Configurations ‣ Lost Reasons.

Configure lost reasons in Viindoo CRM software

Next, you can create a new reason or edit an existing one.

Edit lost reasons in Viindoo CRM software

Mark Leads/Opportunities as lost

On the Lead/Opportunity view, when you feel that the customer no longer wants to purchase your products, you can mark that failure by pressing on Lost.

Mark a lost opportunity in Viindoo CRM system

When you choose Lost on opportunities, a pop-up window appears where you can select a Lost Reason. After selecting, press Mark as Lost to submit the lost reason.

Select a lost reason in Viindoo CRM software

The Lead/Opportunity being marked as Mark as Lost and automatically Archived.

Details of lost opportunity in Viindoo CRM app

Restore lost Leads/Opportunities

Once a Lead/Opportunity is marked as lost, you can find it again by using the filter Archived or Lost on the My Pipeline or the Leads view.

Archived lost opportunity in Viindoo CRM software

When you want to take care of the lost Leads/Opportunities, you can use the Restore feature to change the Leads/Opportunities status.

Restore a lost opportunity in the Viindoo CRM app

You can also press Setting icon, and then click on Unarchive to change the Leads/Opportunities status.
