Setting up Purchase unit of measure

When you buy goods from a supplier, the unit that the supplier uses for the product might be different from the unit that your company is using. In this case, Viindoo software allows you to set up purchasing units to effectively track the purchase quantity without affecting the current quantity management of your company.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Set up purchase unit of measure in product details form

To set up a purchase unit of measure for a product, navigate to Purchase > Products > Products, select a product you want to edit or you can click on New button to create a new product.

Product form in Viindoo

In the product details form, choose the General Information tab and select the unit in Purchase UoM field.

Purchase unit of measure in Product - Viindoo

Using purchase unit of measure in purchase order

After setting up a purchase unit of measure for a product, you create a purchase order in the purchasing app. Select the product you just set up, the system automatically identifies the purchasing unit taken from the product form to fill in the purchase order.

Product in Purchase order - Viindoo