Stock reports according to the law of Vietnam

Besides the real-time stock reports, Viindoo system also supports reports in accordance with the law of Vietnam, including:

  • Product Journal (S10-DN);

  • General Inventory Journal (S11-DN);

  • Stock-In Report;

  • Stock-Out Report;

  • Stock Card (S12-DN).


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Firstly, you need to install the Vietnam Legal Stock Reports module, enter Viindoo Apps, type Vietnam Legal Stock Reports on the search bar and press Active.

Install the app

To view the Vietnam legal stock reports, navigate to Inventory > Vietnam Legal Reports. Here, you will see the list of reports, select the report you want.

Vietnam Legal Reports

Product Journal report (S10-DN)

Press Product Journal (S10-DN) and fill in the information:

  • Dates:

    • Date From/Date To: select the time you want to view in the report.

  • Stock:

    • Company: Select the company you want to view in the report

    • Product: select the product you want to view in the report.

    • Warehouse: select the warehouse you want to view in the report. Leave it blank if you want to see the data of all warehouses.

    • Stock Location: the location you want to view in the report. After selecting the Warehouse, the system will auto-suggest the Location. Select a specific location you want to view in the report.

After filling in the information, press Print.

Fill in the Product Journal information

Select the report folder on your computer and then open the downloaded file to view the report.

Product Journal


To print and view this report, you need to specify the product you want to review.

General Inventory Journal (S11-DN)

Press General Inventory Journal (S11-DN) and fill in the information:

  • Dates:

    • Date From/Date To: select the time you want to view in the report.

  • Stock:

    • Company: Select the company you want to view in the report

    • Product Category: select the category you want to view in the report.

    • Warehouse: select the warehouse you want to view in the report. Leave it blank if you want to see the data of all warehouses.

    • Stock Location: the location you want to view in the report. After selecting the Warehouse, the system will auto-suggest the Location. Select a specific location you want to view in the report.

    • Product Category: Select the product category you want to view in the report

After filling in the information, press Print. In addition, you can press Export XLSX in order to report with excel format

Fill in the General Inventory Journal information

Select the report folder on your computer and then open the downloaded file to view the report.

General Inventory Journal report

Stock-In Report

Press Stock-In Report and fill in the information:

  • Dates:

    • Date From/Date To: select the time you want to view in the report.

  • Stock:

    • Company: Select the company you want to view in the report

    • Warehouse: select the warehouse you want to view in the report. Leave it blank if you want to see the data of all warehouses.

    • Stock Location: the location you want to view in the report. After selecting the Warehouse, the system will auto-suggest the Location. Select a specific location you want to view in the report.

After filling in the information, press Print.

Fill in the Stock-In Report information

Select the report folder on your computer and then open the downloaded file to view the report.

Stock-In report

Stock-Out Report

Press Stock-Out Report and fill in the same information as Stock-In Report.

After filling in the information, press Print.

Stock-Out report

Select the report folder on your computer and then open the downloaded file to view the report.

Fill in the Stock-Out Report information

Stock Card (S12-DN)

Press Stock Card (S12-DN) and fill in the information as in Product Journal (S10-DN).

After filling in the information, press Print.

Stock card information

Select the report folder on your computer and then open the downloaded file to view the report.

Stock card


To print and view this report, you need to specify the product you want to review.