Overview and configuration in Viindoo Contact

Contact information is an essential data resource and is considered to be an intangible asset throughout the development of every business. Common contacts such as partners (customers, vendors), institutions (tax authorities, banks, insurance, etc.), employees (personal addresses, relatives. etc.).

All the above information is gathered in the Contacts app, which is seamlessly integrated with the other apps in the Viindoo system, such as Sales, Purchase, CRM, Employees, Accounting, Repair, Warranty, Maintenance, Project, etc. It helps the information to be consistent and centralized, increasing the efficiency of collaboration in the business.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:


Go to Viindoo Apps, search for the app Contacts using the keyword Contact. Select the app and hit Activate.

Install Contacts app Viindoo

After this app is installed, it will appear on the main menu

Contacts app is now visible Viindoo


Installing the app, such as Sales, Purchase, CRM, Accounting, etc. will automatically install the Contacts app at the same time.

Access Rights

Navigate to Settings ‣ Users & Companies ‣ Users. Create a new user or select an existing one to edit his/her access rights. In the Extra Rights section, check or uncheck the option Contact Creation.


You need to activate the debug mode to be able to view and do this configuration.

  • If checked on Contact Creation: the user can view, create, edit, delete, duplicate and archive contacts.

  • If not checked on Contact Creation: the user can only view and archive contacts.

Access Rights for Contact creation Viindoo


If you have no specific rules for management or are not too strict in creating contacts, you may want to skip this section to avoid putting all the creation of contacts work on a few specific people, especially when you are new to the system.


Navigate to Contacts ‣ Configuration. Here you can configure the general information, such as Contact Titles, Countries, Fed. States, Banks, etc. for the contact creator to use.

Configuration Contacts Menu Viindoo


By default, installing the Contacts app will automatically generate all the countries, contact titles, fed. states, state groups and the respectively country group.


At this interface, you can quickly activate several features related to partner directory management.

Configuration Settings Menu Viindoo

When selected and clicking Save, the system will automatically activate the corresponding feature.

Contact Tags

Contact Tags help you to categorize your contacts according to a lot of desired, unlimited, and easy-to-search criteria (unstructured taxonomy). You can select multiple tags in a contact profile at the same time.

List of Contact Tags Contacts Viindoo

To create a new contact tag, navigate to Contacts ‣ Configuration ‣ Contact Tags, hit +New.

  • Enter the tag name.

  • Select a specific parent category for the contacts to be displayed as the parent-child pedigree.

  • Color: select the color display for this tag. This color will display in the contact form and Kanban tag.

  • Toggle Active to show or hide the Tag without deleting it. When selecting tags for a contact:

    • If active: this tag will be selectable on the Tags field.

    • If not active: this tag will not be selectable on the Tags field.

Create a new Contact Tag Contacts Viindoo

After entering the information, the system will automatically save or choose manual save to complete the creation process.

Contact Titles

Allows you to set up appropriate titles for different contacts.

Navigate to Contacts ‣ Configuration ‣ Contact Titles. Hit +New and enter the title and abbreviation.

Create a new contact title Viindoo

Hit Save.


This is where the business sectors are established, helping us to categorize contacts. These, in the picture below, are automatically created by the system. You can also customize or add a new one.

Create a new business sector Contacts Viindoo


The place where the countries in the world are set up. When selecting a country for a contact, the system will pull data from here. By default, the system has already created data for countries around the world.

Countries configuration Contacts Viindoo

Fed. States

Also, the system has already created data for the states/provinces of some countries. You can also hit +New, then enter State Name, State Code, and select a Country to create a new one.

States/Provinces configuration Contacts Viindoo

State Groups

Along with the Fed. States, the Viindoo system also allows you to categorize contacts by State Groups for appropriate segmentation and management strategy. Besides the default data created by the system, you can create new state groups by pressing the +New button and then filling in the needed information.

States groups configuration Contacts Viindoo

Country Group

Allows you to group countries into the same group. For example, ASEAN countries, EU, etc., for categorization, filtering, or implementing regional production and business strategies.

To do it, hit +New. Then fill in the followings:

  • Group name: Name the countries group

  • Countries: Select all the countries that belong to this group.

  • Pricelist Name: Allows to choose different pricelists for countries of different groups (USD, EUR, …). This feature is only visible when you install the related apps such as Sales, Accounting, etc. and you have the access rights accordingly in those apps.


If more than one pricelist is set up, the system prioritizes taking it from the top to the bottom of the list.

Countries group configuration Contacts Viindoo


A place to store the information of banks that are involved in the transferring and receiving money of your business. Hit +New to add a new bank. The setup information includes:

  • Name: Name of the bank.

  • Bank Identifier Code: The SWIFT/BIC code used when making international transactions.

  • Bank Address: Address information of the bank.

  • Phone: Phone number to contact the bank.

  • Email: Email address to contact the bank.

Bank configuration Contacts Viindoo

After entering the information, the system will automatically save or choose manual save to complete the creation process.

Bank Accounts

Store a bank account list of existing contacts in the system. Hit +New to create a new bank account. The Information to enter:

  • Account Number: Bank account numbers to use in transactions.

  • Account Holder: The owner of this bank account.

  • Bank: The bank that this account belongs to.

  • Account Holder Name: The name on the bank account registered with the bank.

  • Currency: The currency used for the registered account.

  • Send Money: Check if this account can be used for prepaid payments.

Bank account configuration Contacts Viindoo


All information, bank accounts created from the other places (on employee profiles, Accounting app…) will also be gathered here.


All the information above can also be created directly on the contact creation view without having to navigate to the configuration.

See also

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Optional module