User Documentation Sales Management Sales Edit on GitHub Invoicing Method¶ Invoice based on delivered or ordered quantities Configure the default invoicing method Issue invoices according to established policy Invoice what is ordered Invoice what is delivered Down payment in Viindoo Sales The Down payment product Create down payment invoices Create to the final invoices How Pro-forma invoice works in Viindoo Enable the Pro-forma Invoice feature Use a Pro-forma invoice in an order Invoice based on timing of service provision Create products to record timesheets while working on the task Invoicing based on service time Invoice based on project milestone Creating a service product to generate invoices based on project milestones Generating invoices based on project milestones Re-invoice expenses to customers Create expense product Record the expenses and connect with the oder Step 1: Create the Customize service product Step 2: Create orders for the customizaton services Step 3: Record the hotel expense that needs re-invoiced to the customer