Add Optional Products in Sales Order

To increase revenue, along with the main products that is introduced to customers, the salespersons can suggest more optional products to increase the usage value of the main products. For example, a salesperson introducing a smartphone will suggest more types of products like case, screen protector, earphone, etc.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Optional products configuration in product details

To set up optional products that attaches to the main product, navigate to Sales ‣ Products ‣ Products, select any product you want to add optional products.

List of products in Sales - Viindoo.

Select the Sales tab and add Optional Products.

Configure the optional product in Sales - Viindoo.

Use optional products in quotation and sales order

When creating a new Quotation/SO, if you select a product that has optional products attached to it, the system will suggest the optional products using a pop-up.

Create a sales order and choose a product - Viindoo.

Press Add to cart and then Confirm to add the optional product to the order lines of the Quotation/SO.

Use optional products in Sales- Viindoo.