Customize the PDF reports

With Customize, you can edit existing PDF reports (e.g., orders and quotations) or create new ones.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Default layout

By default, Viindoo will provide you with some report templates in PDF format. Access Settings > Companies > Document Layout.

xem bo cuc tai lieu

And select Configure document layout to view and set up report templates. The formatting applied here will be applied to all reports.

xem bo cuc tai lieu

The report configuration includes the following information. (For example, in this article about sales invoices).

  • Layout: Four layouts are available:

    • Light

      Light report layout sample
    • Boxed
      Boxed report layout sample
    • Bold
      Bold report layout sample
    • Striped
      Striped report layout sample
  • Font: The software comes with 8 available fonts.

Phong chu
  • Company logo: Click the Edit button to upload or change the logo. This adds the logo to the company’s record on the Company model, which you can access by going to Settings and then clicking Update Info in the Companies section.

  • Colors: Change the primary and secondary colors used to structure reports. The default colors are automatically generated based on the colors of the logo.

  • Layout background: The following backgrounds are available:

    • Blank: nothing is displayed.

    • Geometric: an image featuring geometric shapes is displayed in the background.

    • Custom: upload a custom background image.

  • Company tagline: This is displayed in the header. You can add multiple lines of text.

  • Footer: This text is used in the footer of external reports. You can add multiple lines of text.

  • Paper format: Define the default paper size of reports. The software provides 5 available formats.

Customizing PDF reports

In addition to using the available report templates, you can customize the default report templates as follows. Using the sales order as an example, perform the following steps.

On the sales order interface, select the gear icon.

Nut bam studio

The application switches to the editing interface, then select Reports.

Nut bam bao cao

Choose the Reports that need to adjust. The system will navigate to the form of the chosen reports, go to the Add tab to add or edit elements. The elements are organized into four categories: Block, Inline and Data table.

Add more Row

To add a new row into the report, press into the Row, drag and drop at the desired position.

Them khoi

If you want to device the row into two or more column, press into the added row, choose the div [flex-container]] at the left slidebar, so you can choose the grid 1 columns, 2 columns or 3 columns.

Them khoi

Add more Field

To add the value of an existing field on the report, you press into the Field, drag and drop at the desired position. Noted that, the value in this field will be dynamically displayed on the report based on the inputted data in the form view.

Them truong

Then, you can select the value for this field.

Them gia tri cho truong

Add more Block Text

To add the block text on the report, you press into the Block Text, drag and drop at the desired position.

Them khoi van ban

You also can modify the display of these texts or change their contents.

can chinh van ban
  • Margins: add spacing at the top, right, bottom, and left of the element.

  • Text align: align the element to the left, center, or right of the report.

  • Colors: change the font’s color.

  • Background: change the background color.

  • Font style: use one of the default font styles.

  • Font Weight: bold, italicize, and underline the font.

Add more Inline Text

Inline elements are used around other elements. They do not start on a new line and the width adapts to length of the content.

Them van ban

Add more Table Column

To add a column to an existing table, press into Table Column, drag and drop into the disired position.

Them cot trong bang

You also can select the value of any field you need on the list. Remember, the values of this table are through the one2many fields. So, if you need to add more columns with no ready value, you might be able to add a new field on the related model of one2many field.

Them gia tri cho truong

Once completed, the system will automatically save the modified information. You can then Close the window to proceed. At this point, you can use the new report template.

Delete the elements

To delete the elements on the report, you press into the specific element need to delete, go to the left slidebar, press to the delete icon.

Xoa phan tu trong bao cao


You can choose Redo to discard the changes. Select Undo to revert to the most recent action before.

chu y