Getting started with Subscription¶
To follow the instructions in the article, you need to install the following application:
Sales Subscriptions app installation¶
To perform these operations, you need to be granted the Administration/Settings permission.
To install the app Subscription, you need to access the apps store.

After accessing the app store, you can type the keyword subscription in the search toolbar, select the Sale Subscriptions app, and press Activate.

Some general configurations for the subscription application¶
To perform these operations, you need to be granted the Sales/Admininistrator permission.
Establish Setting¶
You access Subscription Application > Configuration > Settings. You enter the following information fields:
Time To Mark Renew Subscription: Enter the number of days before the subscription order end date that you want the software to automatically mark subscription order as To Renew. For example: When you enter here as 3, the subscription order has an end date of October 25, 2023, the software will automatically mark the subscription order as To Renew on October 22, 2023.
Alert Days Before Close Subscription: Enter the number of days before the subscription order end date that you want the software to automatically send an email reminding customers to renew the service. For example: When you enter here as 3, the subscription order has an end date of October 25, 2023, then on October 22, 2023, the software automatically sends an email to the customer to remind the renewal.
Default Payment Term For Subscription: Enter the default payment terms for the subscription. If the customer does not pay the subscription within these days of term since there is something need to pay, the subscription will be closed automatically. Leave empty to disable this feature.

Establish Sale Recurrence¶
Sale Recurrence is the period of time during which a subscription product is delivered to customers, typically determined by the business offering the subscription. For example, an internet service provider may offer subscription plans for 6 months, 1 year, etc.
You access Subscription Application > Configuration > Sale cycle.

Click New to create and set up the information on the sale recurrence:
Name: Name of the sale recurrence.
Duration: Number of units of the sale recurrence.
Unit: The unit of measurement of the sale recurrence. The system sets up 4 fixed subscription units: Hour, day, month, year. On the subscription order, you select Recurrence so that the system can convert the coefficient between the unit of sale recurrence and Unit of recurring sale price to calculate the unit price.
For example, create sale recurrence Year with a duration of 1 and a sale recurrence unit of year, and create a subscription product for a monthly wifi fee with a recurring sale price of 300,000 VND. When creating a subscription order for the wifi fee product, select the Recurrence as Year, then the unit price of the wifi fee product will be 300,000 * 1 * 12 = 3,600,000 VND.
Reference: How to create a sales order for subscription products.

Establish Subscription close reason¶
You access Subscription Application > Configuration > Subscription close reason.

Click New to create and set up new reasons for subscription closing. When you close a subscription, you will select one of the reasons that you have created:

Steps to create a new subscription products¶
You access Subscription Application > Subscriptions > Subscription Products, click New. On the product interface, the system automatically selects Can be Subcribed. Alternatively, you can create subscription products from many other modules such as: Inventory, Sales, Purchase, Accounting & Finance, etc.

Click New to create and set up the information on the subscription product:

Product type: Service.
Time based pricing tab:
Recurring Sale Price: Amount paid for a subscription unit. This is the basis for calculating the recurrence sale price.
Unit: The unit of measurement of time corresponding to Recurring Sale Price. For example: hour, day, month, year.
Recurring discount: Recurring discount for subscription products to encourage customers to extend their subscription recurrence.
Recurrence: Select the recurrence that has been set at Sale Recurerrence. When selecting the recurrence on the subscription order, the system calculates the unit price of the subscription product by the recurring sale price * the duration of the recurrence sale * the coefficient between the sale recurrence unit and the recurring sale price unit of subscription products. Coefficient: 1 year = 12 months, etc.
Discount (%): The percentage discount according to the sale recurrence.
For example: The 1-month recurring sale price of wifi is 300,000 VND, 10% off with the Year sale recurrence. When creating an order to sell wifi subscription products with a recurrence of Year, the unit price of the wifi subscription product is: 300,000 * 1 * 12 * (1-10%) = VND 3,240,000.