How to track your event attendees

Our events management tool provides a feature to help track your event attendees. Knowing how many attendees will attend will help enterprises manage and have better preparation for the event.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Go to the Events app, select the event you want to track. The event details will show the number of attendees. Select Attendees to view the attendee list.

Attendees number

Manual attendee confirmation

When you create an event, if Autoconfirmation is not selected, the organizer will have to manually confirm the registration.

Autoconfirmation is not selected

At the attendees’ list, press ✔️ to confirm the attendee.

Confirm attendees

You can view the attendee’s information by clicking on their name.

View attendee information

Confirm the attendee:

  1. Press Confirm to confirm the attendee. After the confirmation, the registration will be changed to the Confirmed stage.

    Confirm registration
  2. During the event, if the attendee shows up, press Attended, the registration will be changed to the Attended stage.

    Attended the event Attended stage
  • If for some reason the attendee doesn’t show up, press Cancel Registration. The registration will be changed to the Cancelled stage.

Cacel registration

Auto attendee confirmation

If you select Autoconfirmation, when there is a registration on the website, the system will auto-confirm the registration.

Select autoconfirmation

Organizers only need to check the number of attendees and select Attended when the attendee shows up at the event.

Auto-confirm registration

You can view the confirmed and unconfirmed attendees at the Tickets of the event’s detail.

Confirmed attendee