Payroll Contribution Register: Other cases

Payroll contribution is the deduction amount from an employee’s salary. So, besides insurance and labor union, you can use the feature of payroll contribution register of employees in Viindoo Payroll management app for other cases. For example:

  • Deduction for the monthly fund;

  • Return the salary advanced amount in some months, etc.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Initial Configuration

To run some case of deduction amount from employee’s salary, we need to do some initial configuration as following:

Create Contribution Register

First, navigate to Payroll > Configuration > Contribution Registers. Click on New to create a new Contribution Register.

New contribution register

Create Payroll Contribution Register

Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Contribution > Payroll Contribution Type, press New to create a new type of payroll contribution:

Payroll Contribution Type Payroll Contribution Type

Then, navigate to Payroll > Payroll Contribution > Payroll Contribution Register and click on New to create a new register of employee deductions.

Create Payroll Contribution Register

Fill in the following information:

Payroll Contribution Register Details
  • Employee: select an employee.

  • Type: select the created one.

  • Computation Base: type in the base value to compute the deduction.

  • Employee Contribution Rate: type in the contribution rate of the employee.

  • Company Contribution Rate: keep it empty.

  • Date From: the start date of the deduction period.

Click on Confirm to finish.

Using the Payroll contribution register to calculate employee’s deductions

After register the payroll contribution, return to the employee’s contract, you will see the registraion.

Deduction rules in employee's contract

You can create a new salary rules for this deduction, and then, when monthly calculating this employee’s payslips, this amount will be appeared on their payslip.

Salary rules for the contribution

The deductions in the employee’s payslip.

The deductions in the employee's payslip

Close a Contribution Register

Once finish the period of contribution, you can close this payroll contribution register. In the view of payroll contribution register, press on Close button:

Close the contributions

In addition, you can change, suspend or cancel the contribution register, click on the corresponding buttons in the view of the Payroll Contribution Register.

Other feature supported to contribution register