How to make a payment with Paypal


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Paypal payment configuration

Currently, Paypal payment is very popular in the world, it helps customers pay for online transactions. Viindoo Enterprise Management Software provides an online payment solution to integrate Paypal with the Sales app to make it more convenient for the customers during the payment process.

Enter Apps, type and search the Paypal Payment Acquirer using the “paypal” keyword. Select the module and press Activate.

Install the Paypal app

If you are using a currency that is not supported by Paypal, you can install the Paypal - Unsupported Currency Support module to change your currency into a currency that is supported by Paypal before sending the payment data to Paypal.

After installing, start setting up the Paypal configuration. Navigate to Accounting > Configuration > Payment Acquirers, select Paypal to set up the confirmation information. In this article, we will use a Sandbox Paypal account and install the Paypal - Unsupported Currency Support module to proceed with the payment.


You need to create a seller, buyer account on Paypal before configuring on the Viindoo system.

At the Paypal payment configuration view, select a state:

  • Disable: Select if you don’t want to use Paypal for online payment.

  • Enable: Activate for using on the real enviroment.

  • Test Mode: Test before moving into the real enviroment

Paypal setup


If you use Paypal in a test mode and use a Paypal Sandbox account, change the state to Test mode. You can activate on test data before moving to your real data.

At the Credentials tab, enter the confirmation information:

  • Email: The seller’s Paypal-registed email address.

  • PDT Identity Token: Allow you to receive a successful payment notification after the payment is made.

  • Use IPN: If enabled, the payment transaction’s status is updated automatically according to the messages receiving from Paypal.

Setup Paypal payment information

The system will automatically save after completing the setup information.

Pay with Paypal

Suppose you are a customer on an E-commerce website using the Paypal payment with the above setting.

When you make an order. On the payment view, select the Paypal payment and press Pay Now.

Make an order with Paypal

The system will navigate to the Paypal page so you can proceed with the payment. Log in to your Paypal account and proceed with the payment.

If the currency used on the E-commerce page is not supported by Paypal, the system will auto-exchange the payment amount to a supported currency. For example, exchange VND to USD with the rate: 1 USD = 22.000 VND.

Log in to Paypal Proceed with the payment

After finishing the Paypal payment, the system will navigate you back to the E-commerce site where you made the order to confirm the payment.

Successfully paid with Paypal Paypal payment success notification

The seller’s system will also record your transaction at Accounting > Configuration > Payment Transactions.


To see this menu, you need to activate the developer mode.

Check the transaction

The order detail will also appear on the payment history.

Check the order


With the above steps, you can also pay with Paypal in case the invoice is sent by the seller.