How to install and set up Repairs app

Viindoo Repairs enables enterprises follow up the entire process from receiving repair orders to performing repairment, finishing and returning equipment.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

How to install Repairs app

Enter Viindoo Apps and search for the Reapir module. Press Activate to install the app.

Enter Viindoo Apps Install the Repairs app

After installing, the Repairs app will appear on the main menu.

Repair apps on the main meu

App Authorization

Navigate to Settings ‣ Users & Companies ‣ Users

Users access rights

Select the user account that needs to be configured and proceed with setting permissions.

Select employee

Here, scroll to the Other section and select Repair Manager to allow this employee to use the Repairs app.

  • If not selected, the user won’t see the Repairs app.

  • If selected, the user will have full right to: create repair orders, repair analyses, reporting orders, etc.

Repair Manager option

After completion, the system will automatically save, or you can choose to save manually.


Activate developer mode to view all the features.