How to Auto Translate Website Content

In today’s digital landscape, multilingual website have surged in popularity like never before. However, the task of manually translating articles on blogs or websites can be daunting and time-consuming. This is where Viindoo steps in, offering an innovative automatic translation solution that streamlines the process for users.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Get authorization with Google console

The Viindoo system needs to be granted access to Google Cloud Translation API , and then use these APIs to implement automatic translation functionality.


To use this feature you need:

In addition to use glossary:

Get API Key from Google console

First, you need to grant access to the Viindoo system to Google by visiting Google console

Once logged in, go to IAM & Admin ‣ Service Accounts. Create a Private key with JSON Key type.

Google Console

After successfully creating, Google will download a JSON file, Open it and retrieve information of project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_email and client_id.


Setup Translate Providers

Access to Viindoo system and navigate to Settings ‣ Translations ‣ Auto Translation, and click to Translate Providers, Create new records:


Choose Google Translate Translate Provider and Fill information from API key above. After that’s Save and Click to Test Connection button.


If all information correct and Viindoo can connect to Google Translate API, the Connection Test Successful! msg will show up.

Automatic Blog Post Translation

After the connection is successful, the system provides bridges between Viindoo and Google Translate. With this feature, authors can quickly translate articles.

Navigate to Settings ‣ Website ‣ Languages, Google Translate will use default languages as the source and all others as the target. For example, Viindoo will translate English (US) to Vietnamese.

Language settings

After that’s, you can translate any articles from English to Vietnamese by navigate to Website ‣ Site ‣ Blog Posts, create New or using available articles to translate.

Blog Posts

When you want to translate an article, hit the Save & Translate button.

Translate article

Article will be translate to Target language:

Translated article


When the article is translated, the system remembers it and does not translate it again. If you want to translate the article again, make a change to the article and hitting the Save & Translate button one more time.

Using Translate Glossary

Sometimes you will encounter situations where you do not want to translate certain words or specific terminology. In such cases, you need to remember these terms as a type of “Glossary”, the system will then translate these words according to the glossary you have provided.

To create a Glossary you need navigate to Website ‣ Auto translate ‣ Translate Glossary:

Create new record

Create new record and fill information:

  • Translate Provider: Choose Google Translate as the provider, as step Setup Translate Providers

  • Source Language: Choose defaults languague

  • Target Language: Choose target language when using auto translate

  • Description: Add some note for this Glossary

  • Glossary line:
    • Source Text: Source words to be used during translation

    • Target Text: Target words as desired or expected

Create Glossary

Confirm and Upload Glossary, After performing the operation, whenever articles use words that match the Source Text, all translations will automatically convert to the Target Text.

Translate with Glossary

You can update Glossary any time by draft the Glossary, add additional Glossary lines, and repeat the steps to Confirm and Upload Glossary.