Payroll Analysis

The Payroll analysis report gives you an overall picture of the salary, bonus, and expenses in the company according to monthly, and annual analysis data. With the Viindoo Payroll management app, payslip data is obtained from time-off and attendance, meal registration data, etc. which are updated daily, and hourly, therefore, the salaries analysis reports will also be updated instantaneously and accurately.

Flexible salary analysis reports from pivot analysis to visual charts by time, department, employee, and more.

To view payroll analysis report, navigate to Payroll ‣ Reports ‣ Payroll Analysis:

Navigate to payroll analysis - Viindoo Payroll app


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Payroll Analysis report in pivot table

Analysis with two main measures are Amount and Company Cost:

Payroll analysis in the form of pivot - Viindoo Payroll app
  • Flexible report criteria by the filter and group feature according to your using purpose. It could be grouped by employees to view the salary report of each employee, or by positions to analyze the salary of each job position, etc.

  • Save the report templates by using the Favourites feature to use as default or share with others in the system:

    Favourite filters - Viindoo Payroll app
  • You could combine the criteria by clicking on the (+) button to select more:

    Combine the report criteria - Viindoo Payroll app
  • Furthermore, with this report format, you can also export the data to Excel for downloading and use, or view add to spreadsheet.

    Download excel

Payroll Analysis report in graph

Besides the pivot analysis report, the Viindoo Payroll app provides the other reports in the form of graphs as follows:

Bar chart
Bar/column chart of payroll analysis - Viindoo Payroll app
Line chart
Area chart of payroll analysis - Viindoo Payroll app
Pie chart
Pie chart of payroll analysis - Viindoo Payroll app

With the chart reports, you could track the fluctuations of salary expenses for each employee, job position, department, and so on in the company.


The reports in the form of graphs/charts have the vertical axis based on Measures, the horizontal axis based on Group by. You can combine different criteria to display the reports as desired.