Create and manage eCommerce product categories on the website


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Ecommerce product categories configuration

First, you need to configure the eCommerce Categories at Website > eCommerce > eCommerce Categories.

eCommerce Categories

Next, hit on the New button to create a new eCommerce Category.

Create a new eCommerce Categories

Input information, then press icon save.

Save eCommerce Categories

To select which products belong to which categories, you navigate to Website > eCommerce > Products. Select the product you want to configure, the product Single table with wooden frame for instance.

Select product

In the product view, head to the Sales tab, and select the eCommerce categories that they want.

Configure e-commerce categories on products

Click on the icon Save button to apply the setting. Then, you continue to do the same for all products you want to install.

Enable eCommerce categories feature

In order to enable eComerce categories feature, you navigate to the Website application.

Go to Viindoo website

At the Shop view, you hit on the Edit button, then activate the Categories feature.

Enable eCommerce Categories feature

A list of eCommerce categories will appear on the left side of the screen and allow selection.

A list of eCommerce categories

How to use eCommerce categories

When clicking on each category, the system will display all products belonging to that category.

Products by eCommerce Categories