Manage commission, payment requests, and invoices¶
This tutorial requires installation of the following applications/modules:
Affiliate partners can keep track of their commission at the Commissions tab on the affiliate portal view.

Keep track of the commission detail¶
Commission Overview¶
First of all, the affiliate partner can see the total commission amount:
Total commission: this is the total amount of your commission in this partnership including the total amount of unconfirmed commissions, the total amount of verified commissions, and the total amount of requested payment;
Total unconfirmed commission: this is the total of the commissions that you can be paid in the future (when they are verified);
Total verified commission: this is the amount that you can request for payment;
Total amount requested payment: this is the amount that you have requested for payment;
Total commission unpaid: this is the amount that you have requested but haven’t been paid yet;
Total commission paid: this is the amount that you have been paid.

Commissions from sale orders¶
The system will calculate the total amount of verified commissions arising from sales orders generated from the affiliate links you have shared.

To see the details of the commissions coming from the sales orders, go to the Sale orders section. Here, you will see all sales orders generated from affiliate links you have shared with detailed information such as sale order arising date, sale order state, the total value of sale order, unconfirmed commission, verified commission, and commission state.

You can also see the detailed commission of each sale order by clicking on the sale order.

Sale order verified by sales employee will have the Sale Order state. The commission of this sale order will have the following states:
Unconfirmed Commission: the commission generated after the sale order is verified but hasn’t been paid by the customer.
Verified Commission: an unconfirmed commission will become a verified commission when receiving customer payment. In case it’s a partial payment, the amount of commission will be calculated based on the received amount.
For example, the customer had paid $300 for a $750 sale order, in this case, the verified commission will be đ588.716 and the unconfirmed commission will be đ883.075.

Sale orders that are confirmed by customers but haven’t been verified by sales employees will be in the Quotation state. The commissions of those sale orders won’t be calculated yet.

Commissions from clicks¶
In the Commissions from clicks section, you can keep track of the amount you will be paid for 1000 clicks. The system will calculate the commission base on the number of clicks you are having. The commissions from clicks will be in the verified state.

Payment Requests¶
To request a payment, you need to select the Payment Requests tab. The system will show the total commissions calculated from the commissions of unpaid sale orders and clicks.

When the total commission reaches the minimum amount to be paid (this amount will be different depending on the enterprise’s policy). The New Payment Request button will appear so that you can create a payment request for the commission.

When you finish, press Submit to send the payment request.

Affiliate partners can keep track of their payment requests with the following information: created date, commission amount, and the request state.

Commission invoice¶
At the Invoice tab, you can keep track of your commission invoice as well as their payment state.

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