Selling in foreign currencies price


Viindoo Accounting app supports sales in different currencies. To use the new foreign currencies, navigate to Accounting > Configuration > Currencies:


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:

Enable foriegn currencies

Choose a currency from the list, and press Active. On this view, you need to update the exchange rate for each currency that your company uses.

Activate new currencies in Viindoo Accounting app

Apply foreign currencies in sales

The sales price will be displayed in your company’s default currency (see this at Accounting > Configuration > Settings, move to Currencies) and is configured on each product form.

Configure sales price on product form - Viindoo

To use a different currency from the one of your company, you need to prepare the pricelist corresponding to the mentioned currency:

Create a pricelist for foreign currencies

Create a sales orders and use the above pricelist. Press Update price to update the pricelist:

Updated price on a quotation Updated price on a quotation

After that, you will see the price on the quotation will be the foreign currency that you want.