Concepts, terms and objects used in Viindoo Instance

In Viindoo System, there are some concepts, terms and objects that users should get familiar with:


This tutorial requires you to install the Viindoo system.

Definition and terms

Module and Application

In the architecture of Viindoo software, the features are developed and packaged into units to make it more convenient and easier to maintain and modify in the future. These units are called a Module.

List of modules in Viindoo

When it comes to a unit that has a big software architecture, with a comprehensive function that meets the particular professional requirements, it will be called Application (For instance: Sales, Accounting, Contracts,…). In a list of the modules, you can find the applications by setting filter criteria as Apps in the search bar as the illustration below:

List of apps in Viindoo

Record and Field

Record is a collection of different but related data elements (fixed or changeable). The element containing the data is called Field and usually includes a type of data such as text, number or date.

It’s easy to find out a record in Viindoo. For example: In the CRM application, in the main interface, you will see a list of records called Opportunity displayed in Kanban view where each card is a corresponding record. You can also view the records in different view types such as lists or graphs.

Records in CRM application of Viindoo

In each record, there are often some information such as: Customers (text), Phone number (number chain), Expected Closing (date).

The fields in Opportunity record of Viindoo

Objects in Viindoo

Administrator account

Administrator account is an account for the administrator of the systems, with full privileges such as creating, setting as an administrator of all applications and modules in the system. This account is generated along with the initialization of the system.

Adminstrator account in Viindoo

User account

Users are those who are granted to navigate to the back-office of the system, and can use one or many applications in the systems for daily operations. Administrators have the right to create and grant access rights to users in specific applications.

User accounts in Viindoo


A Contact record stores the contact information of a partner related to an individual or organization (company) who is using Viindoo Software. Contacts can possibly be any stakeholders of the business: Vendors, Customers, Potential customers, Authorities, Employees, etc.

The employees document in Viindoo

Each user account in the system is always linked to a corresponding contact. This contact will be shown as representative of the user in any tool of discussion and contact in the system.


Employees record is used to store the information of each employee in the system. You can link the private contact to the employee, which allows the systems to automatically add the information from contact to employee documentary; at the same time, link it to the corresponding user for the data connection (especially for the applications with the user assignment feature).

Link contacts in Viindoo

In some circumstances, your employees will not necessarily use the software for work purposes. The software still enables you to manage these employees by creating the employee document, but not linking to the specific user.

See also

Related article:

Optional modules: