Steps to invoice shipping cost to customers

During the sales process, the seller may also transport goods/products to the buyer. Therefore, there will be a need to record delivery costs and invoice the cost to the customer. Understanding this need, Viindoo All-in-on Enterprise Management Software provides a feature that allows the users to solve the above issue.


This tutorial requires the installation of the following applications/modules:


Delivery Methods activation

Firstly, navigate to Inventory module > Configuration > Settings. Find the Shipping section and enable the Delivery Methods item and click on Save.

active the Delivery Methods

Shipping Methods configuration

To configure a shipping method, navigate to Inventory > Configuration > Delivery > Shipping Methods.

navigate to shipping method

You can create a new shipping method or customize an existing one.

create a shipping method

Read the Shipping Methods Configuration article for more details.

Create an invoice for the delivery cost

To have a better understanding of the shipping method in Viindoo Software, let’s take a look at the following example:

  • Provider: Based on Rules.

  • Deliver Product: Delivery cost.

  • Pricing:
    • If Weight <= 5kg then the fixed price is 100.000 VND.

    • If Weight > 5kg then adds 1.000 VND for each extra kilogram.


The delivery cost for an order with a total weight <= 5kg is 100.000 VND.

The delivery cost for an order with a total weight > 5kg, in which total weight is A, delivery cost is B, is calculated as follow:

B = 100.000 + (A-5)*1.000

B = 100.000 + A*1.000 - 5*1.000

B = 95.000 + A*1.000

  1. Configure the shipping method in the system:

Create a shipping method
  1. Configure product weight:

Navigate to Inventory > Products > Create, go to tab Inventory > Logistics and add the product weight.

Configure product weight
  1. Application on a sales order:

Navigate to Sales > Orders > Quotations, press Create to create a sales order. Then add information on the sales order, and press Add shipping to select the delivery cost.

Add shipping fee

On the pop-up window, select the suitable shipping method. There’s also a suggested delivery cost to be charged based on the chosen shipping method. Press Add to add this cost to the sales order.

price of delivery cost Add shipping cost to a sales order
  1. Create an invoice for shipping cost:

Confirm this sales order. Then, press Create Invoice on the sales order to generate an invoice for the customer.

Vindoo user interface of invoice creation

Read more on how to create a sales order in Steps to create customer invoices.