Viindoo Privacy Policy



Last revision: August 29, 2023.

1. General Terms

  1. This Privacy Policy establishes and governs how we, VIINDOO TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY,, process your personal data under the law. We may share your personal data with parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, representative offices of our company and carry out data processing activities as a data controller or joint data controller for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. We strictly adhere to all obligations related to information security as stipulated by law and commit to respecting the privacy rights of all users in relation to our Website and products - services (collectively referred to as the “Viindoo Platform”).

  2. This Privacy Policy helps you understand how we collect, use, disclose, and/or process your personal data and the data of your organization (referred to collectively as “Data”) that you provide to us and/or that is stored.

  3. In the scope of processing Data according to this Privacy Policy, we are the Data Controller and/or Data Controller and Processor of Personal data.

  4. By using or accessing the Viindoo Platform, you acknowledge and agree that you accept the terms and conditions described in this Privacy Policy. Following that, you confirm that you are well aware of and agree to our collection, use, disclosure, and/or processing of Data as specified in this Privacy Policy. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY CONTENT IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE OR ACCESS OUR PRODUCTS, SERVICES, OR WEBSITE.

2. Data Collect

The processing of Data may also depend on the specific features, business operations, or experiences you use, your geographical location, and applicable legal regulations. The Data we collect or receive about you depends on your interactions with us, your configuration and account settings, and may include:

  1. Personal Data

    Personal Data refers to information in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sound, or similar forms in an electronic environment, equivalences associated with an ​individual​ or used to identify an individual. Personal Data includes general personal data and sensitive personal data.

    1. General personal data includes:

      1. First name, middle name, last name, other names (if any);

      2. Date of birth;

      3. Gender;

      4. Address information: Permanent address, temporary address; Current residence; Hometown; Contact address;

      5. Nationality;

      6. Personal images;

      7. Phone number, identity card number, personal identification number, passport number, tax identification number;

      8. Marital status;

      9. Family relationship information (parents, children);

      10. Email address;

      11. Information about education and work history (including reference materials);

      12. Payment information (bank account number, credit card number, and any other payment details);

      13. Account information: ID and password, order information, details of products and services you purchased on the Website;

      14. Technical data such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, type and version of browser plug-in, operating system and platform, international mobile device identification code, device identification, and other information and technologies on devices you use to access the Viindoo Platform;

      15. Other information and data voluntarily provided by you through the Viindoo Platform while using the service (preferences, feedback, survey responses, etc.).

    2. Sensitive personal data includes:

      1. Information about ethnicity, religion, political affiliation (if any);

      2. Health and privacy information recorded in medical records, excluding blood type information (if any);

      3. Criminal records you provide (if any);

      4. Your income information (if any);

      5. Biometric data of yourself and others (voice, face, fingerprints, etc.) existing in image files, videos uploaded by you on the Website; through recorded calls (if any); or when you use our voice search function;

      6. Location data determined through the positioning service, excluding when you share it in the form of images or videos by posting them on the Website.

  2. Browser Data

    1. Data generated/extracted from or related to technical systems (including: devices, operating systems, browsers, IP addresses, etc.) is referred to as: installed language, time of accessing the Viindoo Platform, browser version, account name, password, types of data, and other relevant information.

    2. Data generated/extracted related to your areas of interest: advertising information, cookie data, clickstreams, browsing history, how you interact with direct marketing information and other types of data, other relevant information.

  3. Customer Database

    When you register to use the Viindoo Enterprise Management Software service and create your own database (“System”) (for example, by starting a free trial), any information or content you submit or upload to the System is your own and under your control. We cannot access or take any actions that would affect the data in the System.

  4. Social media Account linking

    If you register an account on our Website using your Social Media Account or link your account to a Social Media Account, or share information on social media platforms, or use some other media features provided by us, we have the right to access the Data you provided voluntarily to the social media account service provider in accordance with the policies of these service providers. We will manage, process, and use this Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy at all times.

  5. Cookies

    Cookies are used to allow us or authorized service providers and our advertising partners to collect or share information about your use of our products, services, or the Viindoo Platform. These features help us improve the products, services, and the Viindoo Platform we provide and provide better experiences when you interact with us.

    1. Cookies are identification codes sent by our server to your computer or mobile device when you access the Viindoo Platform. We may associate cookie information with Data. Cookies are also linked to information about the content you have chosen to purchase and the websites you have visited. This information is used to track shopping carts, deliver content that matches your preferences, enable advertising service providers to provide advertising services on web pages via the Internet, and to perform data analysis and/or track the use of our products and services.

    2. We also use third-party services - Google Analytics, which sets and uses its own cookies to identify visitors and provide services within their own context.

    3. Below is an overview of the cookies that may be stored on your device when you access our Website:

      Cookie Type



      Login Session and Security

      • User authentication, user data protection, and allowing the Website to provide services that users expect,

      such as maintaining the contents of their shopping cart or allowing file uploads.

      • Website will not work effectively if you decline or remove these cookies.

      session_id (Viindoo) fileToken (Viindoo) __cfduid (CloudFlare)


      • Remember information about the preferred interface or behavior of the Website, such as language or preferred region.

      • Your web browsing experience may be impaired if you remove these cookies, but the Website will still function.

      frontend_lang (Viindoo) odoo_no_push (Viindoo)

      Interaction History

      • Used to collect information about your interactions with the Website, the pages you have viewed,

      and any specific marketing campaigns that have led you to the Website.

      • We may not be able to provide the best service for you if you decline these cookies, but the Website will still work.

      im_livechat_history (Viindoo) im_livechat_previous_operator_pid (Viindoo) utm_campaign (Viindoo) utm_source (Viindoo) utm_medium (Viindoo) fs_uid (FullStory)


      • Used to make ads more engaging for users and more valuable for publishers and advertisers,

      such as providing more relevant ads when you visit websites displaying ads or to improve reporting on the performance of advertising campaigns.

      • Note that some third-party services may install additional cookies on your browser to identify you.

      You can reject the use of third-party cookies by accessing the Website: Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page. (

      • Website will still work if you decline or remove these cookies.

      __gads (Google) __gac (Google) _fbp (Facebook)


      • Understanding how customers access and interact with our website through Google Analytics.

      Learn more at: Analytics cookies and privacy information (

      • Website will still work if you decline or remove these cookies.

      _ga (Google) _gat (Google) _gid (Google) _gac_* (Google)

    4. You can choose to configure your browser or device to notify you each time a cookie is sent or to disable all cookies. Each browser operates differently, so please access the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to modify your cookies or refer to the links below. However, if you perform this action, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Viindoo Platform.





      session_id (Viindoo) fileToken (Viindoo) __cfduid (CloudFlare)


      frontend_lang (Viindoo) odoo_no_push (Viindoo)


      im_livechat_history (Viindoo) im_livechat_previous_operator_pid (Viindoo) utm_campaign (Viindoo) utm_source (Viindoo) utm_medium (Viindoo) fs_uid (FullStory)


      __gads (Google) __gac (Google) _fbp (Facebook)


      _ga (Google) _gat (Google) _gid (Google) _gac_* (Google)

3. Purpose of Data Collection

  1. We may use the Data in the following ways or other ways described at the time of collecting personal data for purposes including, but not limited to:

    1. Operation of Viindoo Platform and providing Products and Services

      1. Manage, operate, provide, and/or manage your use of products and services and/or access to the Viindoo Platform;

      2. Process, complete, resolve your orders made through the Website, and/or respond to your requests for specific products and services and inform you about service issues and abnormal account activities;

      3. Connect and communicate with you, process questions, feedback, requests sent by you, and your complaints during your use of products and services, interacting with us;

      4. Maintain and manage technical issues, technologies to ensure the Viindoo Platform operates stably;

      5. Verify your identity and ensure the security of your Data;

      6. Verify and perform financial transactions related to online payments you make;

      7. Enforce our Terms and Policies or any Agreements/Contracts applied by us;

      8. Notify changes to products - services in case of changes in the management policies of the State, legal regulations, market fluctuations, or changes, updates from us.

    2. Research and Development

      1. Use, analyze, survey information about your interactions and usage activities with the Viindoo Platform or with some third-party content sent to you, or with content displayed through the Viindoo Platform, including but not limited to data analysis to develop detailed information, needs, and preferences of customers, make predictions, suggestions, and more suitable products and services for customers, as well as to develop, provide, continuously improve, upgrade the quality of products - services, better respond to customer needs;

      2. Conduct other checks and surveys to verify the scale and composition of our target audience, and understand their experience with the Viindoo Platform.

    3. Marketing and Advertising

      1. Send you marketing and promotional information and materials related to products and/or services (including but not limited to products and/or services of third parties that we may cooperate or affiliate with) through various means and communication methods;

      2. Provide regular customer programs, partners, as well as other co-branding marketing campaigns;

      3. Personalize your experience and tailor suggestions, advertisements, and offers to you, including by developing detailed information about you and your needs based on your interactions with our products - services and offers.

    4. Compliance and Prevention

      1. To establish, enforce legal rights or protect our legal claims;

      2. To respond to legal procedures, comply with or adhere to the regulations of current law, and the requests of authorized government agencies or competent authorities, or when we deem disclosure of information necessary, including but not limited to complying with requests to disclose information as required by any applicable laws;

      3. To perform verification and validation processes or other screening activities in compliance with legal obligations or the requirements of government agencies with jurisdiction, or our risk control procedures, which may be required by law or may have been implemented by us;

      4. To prevent or investigate any actual or suspected fraudulent activities, violations of our Terms and Policies, fraud, unlawful actions, deficiencies, or misconduct, whether related to your use of the Viindoo Platform or not, or any issues arising from your relationship with us;

      5. To comply with current legal regulations and relevant standards, conditions related to our business operations.

    5. Any other purposes that we notify you of at the time you provide your consent.

  2. We may access, store, process, and disclose your information as required by law or pursuant to a court order or by any authorized regulatory authority. We may also do so immediately when we believe that such access, storage, or disclosure is necessary and justified to:

    1. Comply with necessary legal procedures;

    2. Comply with requests from authorized regulatory authorities;

    3. Enforce our Terms and Policies;

    4. Respond to any claims or potential claims that pose a threat or are occurring in reality to defend against us, or respond to other claims that any content violates the rights of third parties;

    5. Respond to your customer service requests.

  3. We will inform you about the processing of Data as described in Section 3.2 above when seeking your consent, unless the processing of data applies without your consent as allowed by the provisions of the law on personal data protection or other relevant laws.

4. Data Collection Methods

  1. Data Processing

    Data Processing refers to one or more activities affecting Data, such as: collection, recording, analysis, confirmation, storage, modification, disclosure, combination, access, retrieval, retrieval, recovery, encryption, decryption, copying, sharing, transmission, provision, transfer, deletion, cancellation, or related actions.

  2. Direct Data Collection from You

    1. When you register an account on our Website; use/purchase any products or services provided by us;

    2. When you access any of our communication channels or use any features or resources available through these channel;

    3. When you download, access, or use our applications on mobile devices;

    4. When you interact with us through contact, exchanges (directly, via email, phone, online, or any other method), subscribe to our publications, marketing materials, participate in promotional programs, surveys;

    5. Automatic collection includes IP addresses, referral URLs, operating systems, browser information (types of cookies, third-party plugins or social media connection tools, location information, or other metadata provided by a device,…).

  3. Third-party Collection

    Third parties include service providers, affiliates, and third parties related to our business activities, parties related to you.

5. Data Storage and Deletion

  1. Access and Edit Data

    You have the right to access, view, and self-edit your personal data at any time by adjusting or changing that information directly or indirectly.

  2. Data Storage

    1. Data will be stored from the time you interact with Viindoo Platform and our communication channels until you request cancellation or self-deletion of Data and/or according to the provisions of the law at each point in time. In other cases, Data is secured on Viindoo servers.

    2. We will store the Data for a reasonable period in compliance with the regulations of the law on the protection of personal information and/or other prevailing legal provisions throughout your use of products/services or as long as you continue to interact with the Viindoo Platform. The Data will continue to be stored for a reasonable period in cases where we assess that:

      1. storage is no longer necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the Data was collected;

      2. storage is no longer necessary for any legitimate or business purposes;

      3. there are no other legitimate benefits to continue storing the Data.

  3. Deletion of Data

    We reserve the right to refuse deletion, destruction of data in cases where your request is not in compliance with current legal regulations, or even if it is appropriate, but falls under cases where we are not allowed to delete, destroy according to legal regulations or other reasonable technical or business reasons. Depending on the regulations of the law, we may safely delete your personal data without prior notice.

  4. Withdrawal of Consent, Restriction, and Objection to Data Processing

    You can withdraw your consent, request limitations, or object to the processing of your Data that we are holding or controlling by sending a request to us through the contact methods provided in this Privacy Policy. We will process these requests in accordance with this Privacy Policy and relevant legal provisions. However, withdrawing your consent, requesting limitations, or objecting to the processing of Data may mean that we will not be able to continue providing products/services to you or terminate contracts that have been signed with you. In this case, we are exempt from all responsibilities towards you due to the non-provision of products/services or termination of contracts. Any rights and remedial measures we possess are preserved according to other relevant agreements publicly available on the Website.

6. Outboundtransfer of Data

  1. Your Data may be stored and processed either entirely or partially in Vietnam or abroad. The act of accessing and using the Viindoo Platform from locations outside the territory of Vietnam is understood to imply your agreement to transfer your Data outside the jurisdiction of the country/territory and send it to Vietnam.

  2. Your Data may be transferred abroad, stored, or processed outside your country for one or more purposes. We only transfer your Data abroad when it is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the legal regulations on personal data protection.

7. Children’s Personal Data

We collect and process data based on the principle of protecting the rights and best interests of children. The Viindoo Platform is not intended for children under 16 years of age. We do not intentionally collect or retain any Data or non-personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 16. Parents or legal guardians of children under 16 should monitor and ensure that the personal information of the children they are responsible for is not posted on the Viindoo Platform. In the event that we receive Data from children under 16 provided by parents or legal guardians, it implies that the parents or legal guardians consent to the processing of the Data of children under 16 and accept the regulation of this Privacy Policy on behalf of the legal guardians. We will proactively delete/remove any accounts created by or Data believed to be provided by children under 16.

8. Limitation of Liability for Data Security Obligations

  1. We commit to exert our utmost efforts within our capabilities in terms of human resources, technology, and other factors to secure your Data to the best extent possible. However, we cannot guarantee this in cases of force majeure events, including but not limited to natural disasters, pandemics, widespread power outages, hacking, computer virus attacks, disruptions in Internet connectivity, severed telecommunications cables,…

  2. In order to provide better experiences for you and facilitate access to your information, our Viindoo Platform is linked to other websites, applications, and/or services (including third-party-operated applications). These linked sites have their own privacy policies and independent security measures, and we cannot access or control their privacy protection methods and data collection. We DO NOT assume any responsibility arising from the content, security measures, or lack of security measures and activities of these linked sites. Therefore, we encourage you to thoroughly review the privacy policies of these linked sites before using them.

9. Updates to the Privacy Policy

  1. We reserve the right to adjust, modify, or supplement the content of this Privacy Policy at any time to meet the technical developments and business policies of ours while ensuring compliance with prevailing legal regulations. Any adjustments, modifications, or supplements will be notified to all users on our Viindoo Platform.

  2. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated to you, including through the publication of these changes or the revised Privacy Policy on the Viindoo Platform. Within the scope of the law, continued use of our products - services or access to the Viindoo Platform will be understood as your agreement to the changes in this Privacy Policy.

10. Effectiveness

  1. This Privacy Policy is applied in conjunction with notifications, contract terms, and other applicable consent terms related to our collection, storage, use, disclosure, and/or processing of Data, and it is not intended to override those notifications or terms unless stated otherwise.

  2. This Privacy Policy is officially versioned as VIIN.PRI.POL.290823 effective from August 29, 2023 and supersedes any previously issued versions of the Privacy Policy.

11. Contact

Feel free to get in touch with us using the methods below for answers to any questions, inquiries about this Privacy Policy, or any matters related to how we manage, protect, and/or process your Data:


  • Address: 6th Floor, Taiyo Building, 97 Bach Dang Street, Ha Ly Ward, Hong Bang District, Hai Phong City

  • Phone: (+84) 0225 730 9838

  • Email: